Hot In The Hive: Retro-Style Internet Phone

imageDo you have a gift for gab and talk on the phone almost constantly? Do you have a special place in your heart for all things obsolete and/or retro? Do you have a laptop that’s almost as old as you are? If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, I may have the perfect vintage gadget for you! Urban Outfitters’ Internet Phone (no, not that kind of iPhone) is about as unnecessary as laptop accessories get… that is, unless your computer doesn’t have a built-in mic and speakers like most are made with nowadays. In that case, it’s totally useful for finally carrying out successful Skype conversations and iChat video discussions (that’s only assuming you’ve equipped your ancient computer with an external webcam) via a plug-in phone receiver made just for your computer. Otherwise, the retro-looking cyber accessory is still pretty covetable, for the sake of cuteness alone… and I guess it could also help keep the receiving end of your e-conversations on the down-low from snooping roommates. So in conclusion, it may not be the most mandatory addition to your shopping list, but the fun things never are, are they?

Price: $15
Who Found It: xgalexy was the first to add the Internet Phone to the Hive.

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