Hot In The Hive: Penguin Classics Illustrated By Ruben Toledo

imageFor the upcoming Fashion Week, you might not find me glued to the computer hitting the refresh button as the latest runway images come in. Instead, I’ll be curled up in my reading nook with a classic novel instead. (Just don’t tell my boss!) No worries, they are fashion related. Penguin Books is releasing three beloved classics, The Scarlet Letter, Wuthering Heights, and Pride and Prejudice all with brand new covers illustrated by artist Ruben Toledo. If his name sounds familiar, that’s because his wife Isabel designed the dress and coat First Lady Michelle Obama wore to the inauguration ceremony. Ruben is also a name in fashion with his illustrations that have appeared in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Interview just to name a few. The fashion makeovers for the new covers are just what we needed with Hester Prynne’s tangled letter A scorning her from society, Elizabeth Bennet rejecting Mr. Darcy, and a mysterious Heathcliff lurking in the back cover of Wuthering Heights. So who says literature and fashion don’t mix?

Price: $16
Who Found It: facadeindreams was the first to add the Penguin Classics Illustrated By Ruben Toledo to the Hive.

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