Hot In The Hive: Mark Pretty Wild Lip Gloss

imageWhen you have a lipgloss collection as impressive (see: ridiculous) as mine is, at some point you have to stop compulsively buying everything shiny and pretty and start forcing yourself to be a little pickier. Nowadays, instead of snatching anything new off the shelves in the beauty aisle, I stop for a minute to ask myself some vital questions. Is this lipgloss really more sparkly than a diamond? Will I actually magically transform into Adriana Lima upon application? Does this tube have the coolest packaging I’ve seen in a long time? In the case of this Mark Pretty Wild Lip Gloss, that last answer was an emphatic “OMG yes!” Okay so maybe it’s not the coolest, but the leopard print tube is ridiculously cute, so of course it’ll end up getting loads of use since I’ll constantly want to take it out of my purse and brandish it around in front of my friends. And it’s mint flavored, so it’s totally practical — I’ll save money on mints and gum. Sold!

Price: $7 each
Who Found It: xgalexy was the first to add Mark Pretty Wild Lip Gloss to the Hive.

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