Hot In The Hive: Kate Spade Hand In Hand Mittens

imageIf you’re having a hard time justifying all the inevitably expensive holiday gift-shopping this year in light of our current economic state, how about opting for a present that truly gives back? Famed accessories brand Kate Spade has recently formed a partnership with Women for Women International known as the Hand In Hand program, which employs war survivors from Bosnia, giving them a chance to get their future back on track. The result? A collection of hand-knit winter accessories, including these Colorblock Mittens, that keep you warm during the dreary weather ahead while the proceeds help women abroad rebuild their lives. If that’s not incentive to spread some Christmas joy this season despite your dismal paycheck, I don’t know what is!

Price: $95
Who Found It: xgalexy was the first to add the Hand In Hand Mittens to the Hive.

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