Hot In The Hive: Acme Studios Eye Chart Eyeglass Case

imageYou may think I’m weird, but I actually like going to the dentist. Maybe it’s because I’ve been blessed with strong enamel so I almost never get cavities and I like the feeling of super clean teeth after every check up and cleaning. But another appointment I’m loathe to make (besides waxing) is my eye exam. You’re supposed to have one at least every two years so I like to leave them to the last minute. Why do I hate it? Well, I have really bad vision and each appointment is a reminder of how grateful I should be that I live in the 21st century and don’t have to wear coke bottle lenses. That’s why I’m tempted to spare myself the agony and just get the Eye Chart Eyeglass Case instead! The super durable case is made of practically indestructible polyvinyl with a velvety interior so your glasses stay safe from the crush of books and lipglosses in your bag. Plus, I can place the case at a distance and take the eye exam all by myself. Ok maybe not, but I can dream!

Price: $29.95
Who Found It: facadeindreams was the first to add the Acme Studios Eye Chart Eyeglass Case to the Hive.

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