Halloween Costume Pieces And Accessories You Can Actually Wear Again!

imageIn your quest for the ultimate Halloween costume this year, you have a few options. For one, you can spend $60+ on a kitschy packaged costume that at least 10 other people will also be wearing… and chances are you’ll never touch it again. Secondly, you can go the clever route and piece together your own costume.. and after a dozen trips to a handful of stores and hundreds of dollars later, you’ll have the best Halloween ensemble ever… that you’ll probably never touch again. But the most appealing option? Door number 3: piece together your own super-cool costume from stylish pieces that you’ll actually wear way more than once! Even the most wearable trends are largely inspired by very costume-y themes: gladiator, biker, cowgirl, etc, so why not be resourceful and concoct up a costume while making a fashionable investment in the process? Channel a retro-chic flapper girl with a fringe miniskirt that can translate to a very modern night on the town, or don a sequin blazer for a cabaret/showgirl-type look that will be still be way “in” in the months to come. For more costume ideas featuring wardrobe pieces that will still be trendy even after the 31st, take a look at the slideshow!

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