Fresno Metropolitan Musem to Return Ansel Adams Prints to Family


Following up on a story we reported on in early March and which didn’t turn out how we’d guessed, the now-deceased Fresno Metropolitan Museum has agreed to give back five Ansel Adams prints to the famous photographer’s family. The museum, as you might recall, filed for bankruptcy at the start of the year and closed forever shortly thereafter (and likely would have sooner, had the city officials not poured millions into it as a last ditch effort). In order to pay their creditors, the museum was including the Adams prints in their auction catalog, which was when the artist’s son decided to sue to try and get them back, claiming they were on loan and not a donation. Now the prints are set to be returned to the family and they’ve made a surprisingly generous offer, despite what’s gone on over the last month and a half:

The photos being returned are of Yosemite National Park, Mount McKinley and Lone Pine in California, and Canyon de Chelly National Monument in Arizona. Adams’ attorney Rene Lastreto says the photographer never intended for private collectors to hang those prints in their living rooms.

In exchange, the family will give the museum other Ansel Adams prints of equal value for the October art auction.

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