Fall Wardrobe Wish List: The Bomber Jacket

imageEvery year there’s that one item I MUST add to my closet (even if it means living on Ramen for the next month to afford it). Despite the fact that my shopping addiction has my closet filled to the brim, I always justify the need for a new piece by the “school shopping” tradition instilled in me since elementary school. You have to have some new stuff to start the school year, right? So this year I will undoubtedly break down (most likely sooner rather than later, I’ll get more wear out of it!), rush into Express and snatch up their Leather Belted Jacket. It is so adorable it hurts. The soft faux-leather (which allows it to fit comfortably into my budget at $98.00 and spare the life of a poor, defenseless cow) is painfully cool and the chic knotted belt around the waist that gives it that feminine twist. And you can’t get any more on point with the fall trends; it basks in all of its bad-ass glory with silver-zippered pockets. Click on over to our friends at CollegeCandy to see how you can style this chic bomber jacket.
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