End of the Road

Watch for a spread on summer’s finest outdoor music festivals as selected by musician Mark Hamilton in the Summer issue of the magazine.

Included in his list is the wonderful End of the Road Festival.  Held in the enchanting Lormer Tree Gardens in Dorset, England, this is a gem of a festival, and a fine way to end the summer (September 11, 12, 13th). 

I attended 2 years ago and have fond memories of sleeping under the stars, wandering among wild peacocks, drinking hot cider and of course, discovering new music. The EOTR festival is where I first heard the whimsical big band sound of  Woodpigeon (Mark’s band) and the pop-operatic melodies of Jens Leckman.

This year’s headlining bands include: Explosions In The Sky, Fleet Foxes, Neko Case and Steve Earle.

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