Drawn From Clay

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What began as an excavation and exploration of the soil in the Noordoostpolder area of central Netherlands has led to an award-winning exhibition and stunning series of hand-crafted pottery by studio Atelier NL. The range, titled “Drawn From Clay,” includes unique pieces of pottery that double as geographical samples of the soil from which they’re made.


Judged by designer Ross Lovegrove, Droog co-founder Renny Ramakers, Museum of Arts and Design chief curator David Revere McFadden and more, the project recently received Modern Painters magazine’s 2010 Re:Vision Design Award for its conceptual thinking and skillful execution. The group devised a meticulous system for plotting out the 460-square-kilometer area, with the goal of keeping the relationship between the soil and the final product as close and apparent as possible. The upshot—a beautiful line of pottery reflecting the area’s rich geological turf.


Teaming up with Royal Tichelaar Makkum—the oldest company in Holland—Lonny van Ryswyck and Nadine Sterk of Atelier NL produced a line of designer pottery using the clay from the project.

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