Daily Obsesh – Akawelle Necklace

imageGive someone the gift of LIFE this Valentine’s Day and any day with the Akawelle necklace made from spent bullet casings. Sounds a bit strange to you? Trust us! This couldn€™t be a better symbol of love!

The story starts in the refugee camps of Ghana where thousands of Liberians fled to during the civil war. Lovetta Conto was one of those refugees. Here she was approached by the Strongheart Fellowship Program and from that moment her dream of being a designer started looking more like a reality.

Lovetta created the Akawelle necklace, meaning ‘also known as LOVE’. It features two pendants, a leaf inscribed with the word LIFE, made from the bullet casings that litter the streets of Liberia, and a single bead which is the bottom of the bullet shell. This necklace represents the idea that there is the promise of life even through strife and hardship. Proceeds help to aid the Strongheart House where children from warring countries come for a chance at a better life.

What could possibly be more romantic than giving someone a chance at a better life?

Where to BuyStrongheart Fellowship

Price – $100.00

WhoMelimeli was the first to add the ‘Akawelle Necklace‘ to the Hive.

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