Coral Jewelry And Other Sea Life Inspired Things For Your Closet!

imageWhen I was an elementary school, my favorite field trips were the ones that involved the ocean. From going to the beach to find seashells to visiting the aquarium and exploring the shallow tide pools. What better way to recapture those carefree days than to incorporate it into our wardrobes! Before you think that adding things like coral and seashell prints will make you look like your mom, think again. The trick is to go towards a more subtle route. Don’t pile on the coral jewelry with a large sea life printed dress unless you want to look like you’re trying out for a Golden Girls revivial! Instead, layer on a long faux coral charm necklace with other chain necklaces. If you’re going to do a large statement piece like the seahorse printed tank top, then keep everything else sleek and simple. Take a look at my slideshow for more sea life inspired items that will have you singing “Under the Sea.”

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