Ooo It’s A Sony!

After ages we get to set our eyes on a Sony concept! Looks like there still some fans out there! What we have today is the Sony Xperia X Concept. It is a high-end phone inspired by the first generation S tablet. The curved shape at the top and supporting internal curves on the sides offer a better grip. The back has a flipstand that opens and supports the phone, especially when you need to navigate the smartphone vertically or viewa panoramic videos.

Features include a screen of 4.6″, mini-HDMI connector, SIM slot, microSD slot, back and front cameras. The Xperia logo on the front works as an illuminator of notifications that adopts a different color for each application.

Designer: Abel Verdezoto

Yanko Design
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(Ooo It’s A Sony! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Fubiz TV 10 – JR

Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter aujourd’hui l’Issue 10 du programme hebdomadaire de Fubiz TV avec Orange. Au sommaire cette semaine, nous avons sélectionné le meilleur de l’actualité créative et nous avons rencontrer l’artiste français JR pour une interview exclusive. A découvrir dans la suite.

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