Best-of Fubiz 2013 : Most Popular Articles

Toute l’année, notre équipe cherche à vous apporter une dose quotidienne d’inspiration. Comme sur la période 2012 et afin de résumer les 12 derniers mois écoulés, nous avons décidé de vous présenter un Top 30 des articles les plus consultés en 2013. Découvrez le classement de la trentième à la première place.

30 – Superhero Noir Posters

Une série de posters signée Marko Manev rendant honneur aux superhéros de comics.

29 – Barber Campaign

Plusieurs affiches pour le salon Barber Shaves & Trims pensés avec talent par l’agence 180 Amsterdam.

28 – C2C – Delta

Une superbe vidéo d’animation réalisée par le collectif CRCR pour le groupe C2C.

27 – The Art of Negative Space

Une vision de l’espace sans délimitation claire très réussie par l’artiste Tang Yau Hoong.

26 – Red Bull Illume Photo Contest 2013

Une sélection des nominés de la 3ème édition des Red Bull Illume Photo, concours centré sur les sports extrêmes.

25 – Hyper Realistics Painting by Robin Eley

Des peintures incroyables inspirées de photographies signées Robin Eley.

24 – Hong Kong Apartments from Above

Une campagne de l’agence Publicis HK pour Society for Community, voulant dénoncer les conditions de logement déplorables à Hong-Kong.

23 – Creativity With Food

Une sélection des oeuvres de food-art réalisées par l’artiste Hong-Yi et publiées sur son compte Instagram.

22 – Tasting Lemon for the First Time

Pucker, un projet collaboratif autour d’une série de photos d’enfants en bas-âge goûtant le citron pour la première fois.

21 – Google Tel-Aviv Office

Google présente ses bureaux à Tel Aviv occupant 8 étages au sein de la Electra Tower.

20 – Daft Punk – Get Lucky

Le premier extrait de l’album R.A.M de Daft Punk, sorti en mai dernier, avec Pharrell Williams et Nile Rodgers.

19 – Pencil Drawings by Franco Clun

Des dessins au crayon époustouflants réalisés par Franco Clun.

18 – Insane Make-Up Turn Models into 2D Paintings

Une superbe série, fruit de la collaboration entre Alexander Khokhlov et Valeriya Kutsan.

17 – Kenya Photography

Les souvenirs de Diego Arroyo lors d’un voyage au Kenya réunis dans une série photographique.

16 – Volvo Trucks the Epic Split

La dernière campagne pour la marque Volvo Trucks réalisée par Andreas Nilsson avec l’acteur Jean-Claude Van Damme.

15 – Extreme Photography

Le casse-cou Mustang Wanted nous propose de découvrir ses photos de vacances vertigineuses.

14 – A Ballet performed by Birds

Alain Delorme utilisent des sacs plastiques pour représenter avec talent les mouvements aériens des oiseaux.

13 – AFP Pictures of the Year 2013

Voici les images les plus marquantes de l’année passée selon l’AFP.

12 – Bodyscapes Art Photography

Considérer le corps comme un paysage, c’est l’idée géniale de l’artiste anglais Carl Warner.

11 – You are never Alone with a Good Book

« On est jamais seul avec un bon livre », une superbe campagne de Grey Tel Aviv pour les librairies Steimatzky.

10 – Dogs dressed as their Owners

Underdogs, une série de Sebastian Magnani permettant de découvrir des chiens pas si différents de leurs maîtres.

9 – Matching Movies with Exact Locations

Placer des images de films au sein des lieux où cela a été filmé, c’est une superbe initiative de Christopher Moloney.

8 – National Geographic 2013 Traveler Contest

Une série d’images sélectionnées parmi les candidats déjà en compétition pour la 25ème édition du National Geographic 2013 Traveler Photo Contest.

7 – Friendship between a Girl and her Cat

Le photographe Andy Prokh immortalise la complicité entre sa fille Katherine et son chat.

6 – Pregnant Couple Portraits

Avec cette jolie série Waiting, Jana Romanova met en images différents couples attendant un enfant.

5 – Fashion Zoo Animals

Yago Partal a rendu les animaux encore plus chic avec des photos-montages sympathiques.

4 – 40 Weeks and a Mirror Photography

« 40 Weeks and a Mirror » ou l’évolution du corps semaine par semaine durant les 9 mois de la grossesse, par la photographe Sophie Starzenski.

3 – Abandoned Amusement Parks

Une série de photographies capturant avec nostalgie des parcs d’attractions à l’abandon.

2 – Anamorphic 3D Illusion Drawings

Alessandro Diddi trompe tout le monde avec ses anamorphoses, des croquis donnant une réelle impression de profondeur.

1 – Reuters Photos of the Year 2013

L’agence Reuters récupère et diffuse des milliers de photos chaque année. En voici une superbe sélection d’images résumant l’année 2013.

30 super1-640x468
29 Barber-Campaign5-640x446
28 C2C-Deltaa9-640x360
27 The-Art-of-Negative-Space3-640x634
26 Redbullcontests_i01_60000266-640x424
25 Hyper-Realistics-Paintings-by-Robin-Eley-15
24 Hong-Kong-Apartments-from-Above5
23 Creativity-with-Food12-640x478
22 Tasting lemon for the firsttime
21 Google-Office-Tel-Aviv42-640x426
20 daft5-640x389
19 Pencil-Drawins-by-Franco-Clun8-640x456
18 makeup1-640x449
17 Kenya-Photography-33-640x426
16 Volvo-Trucks-The-Epic-Split6-640x352
15 Extreme-Photography21
14 A-Ballet-Performed-by-Birds7
13 AFP Pictures2611-640x417
12 hl1-640x346
11 na1-640x444
10 Dogs-Dressing-Up-Like-Their-Owners8
9 film012-640x480
8 Best-of-Nation-Geographic-2013-Traveler-Contest13-640x426
4 40 Weeks and a Mirror Photography
7 Friendship-Between-a-Girl-and-Her-Cat20-640x468
6 Pregnant-Couple-Portraits10-640x425
5 Fashion-Zoo-Animals26
3 Reuters Photos of the Year 2013
2 Reuters Photos of the Year 2013
1 Reuters Photos of the Year 2013

Electrolux Design Lab 2012 – Top 30 Declared!

Electrolux Design Lab’s 10th Anniversary challenge to international design students is to design products that develop the sensory experience of home appliances. The countdown has begun, and after the shortlist of 80 nominations has been tightened to 30 shortlisted entries. The next step will be to announce the Top 10, who will be invited to Milan in October, to present their projects. The jury will as always, include Henrik Otto SVP of Global Design at Electrolux. As media partners Yanko Design will be at the event, keeping you updated via YD, Facebook & Twitter, till the ultimate winner is declared.

Below are the 30 projects shortlisted for the 2012 Electrolux Design Lab. This year has been many of firsts for the Design Lab. First they held a Logo Design Competition in partnership with Yanko Design. After adopting the new logo, they moved on to the Pinterest Competition. Now they have 80 nominees, 30 shortlisted entries and 10 finalists!

Although these 30 projects are very briefly described here, Yanko Design will be showcasing the most intriguing and innovative projects as individual posts shortly.

Hurricane Cocktail Mixer by Kuan-ting Ho

The Hurricane is a fun and instructional drink mixer for those entertaining at home. All you need are the ingredients and the friends and then Hurricane will do the rest.

Spummy by Alexandre de Bastiani

The Spummy is the future of flavour creation. Using nano-technology the Spummy creates edible foam with any flavour or combination of flavours you can imagine.

Treat by Amy Mon-Chu Liu

The Treat seamlessly combines classic food storage techniques, such as vacuum sealing, with modern remote, mobile technology for the perfect combination of freshness and convenience that is more important than ever in our increasingly busy lives.

Tide by Anne Berit Kigen Bjering

With the Tide the sound of food comes alive as you’re cooking to help put you and your guests in the right mood for dinner.

SaltSpoon by Barbara Adamonyte

A handy little tool for the modern kitchen. Easily add accurate amounts of salt to your soup or sauce using SaltSpoon’s built-in dispenser.

Impress Fridge by Ben De La Roche

Impress is a refrigeration wall that holds your food and drinks for you, out in the open and not behind closed doors so you will always remember the lunch you prepared for work or find that midnight snack with ease.

Spacepan by Christian Bakkhaug

Spacepan is moveable it may be placed on the kitchen table so the whole family can be part of the cooking process.

AhrmaDilo by Chris Carpenter

The AhrmaDilo features the world’s first flexible iron (the Dilo) and an adjustable ironing board (the Ahrma). In combination the Ahrma and the Dilo create an ironing experience that works to eliminate the annoying parts of standard ironing such as, constantly shifting garments to iron them and ironing difficult parts of clothes such as sleeves and pant legs.

Tastee by Christopher Holm Hansen

The Electrolux Tastee is a taste indicator that is used when cooking to assist the chef in bringing out the flavours in the meal.

Melodi by Elena Sitnikova

Melodi is a device designed to allow the other senses help you in task of measuring liquids.

Julienne by Florent Corlay

Julienne is a new food experience. By enabling guests to sense the evolution of the meal, shown through changing music and shifting ambient light the progression of the food‘s journey from simple ingredients to a delicious meal.

Tempo Blender by Fu Chun Wan

The Tempo blender can tell you what and how much you need to make a variety of fresh juices, cocktails or sauces.

Cruet Salt & Pepper by Harry Hale

The Cruet not only enhances the taste of your food but also increases social interaction at the dinner table between you and your guests.

Smart Embossed Blender by Hwajin Ock

With the Smart Embossed Blender you can feel how smooth or rough your ingredients are while you are blending.

Aeroball by Jan Ankierstajn

The Aeroball is a revolutionary way to improve the spaces in which we live. In tiny bubbles that float and hover, the Aeroball cleans and filters the air while hovering in place.

ICE by Julen Pejenaute Beorlegi

ICE can not only be used as basic lamp with adjustable brightness or colour to fit the mood of any dining occasion.

Smart Plate by Julian Caraluani

SmartPlate is the world’s first intelligent dish that physically understands food and transforms it into sound, completing the circle of senses by which we understand what we eat.

Fiery by Karen I Man Cheong

Fiery – the magic wand that brings flambé from restaurant to your home kitchen.

Easy Stir by Lisa Frodadotter

By utilising magnets that react to your induction stove the Easystir will literally save you time and money by never needing to be charged, batteries replaced or plugged into a wall socket.

Sensual Control by Malgorzata Zsostak

Sensual Control is a portable control panel that lets you know when your food is ready whilst allowing you to control temperature levels from anywhere in your house.

Touch by Markus Marks

Touch fits into the palm of your hand and can be used to remove wrinkles from your clothes while you are still wearing them.

Wentylor by Michal Pospiech

Cool your house and calm your mind with the Wentylor.

Be There by Mikus Vanags

Be There is a virtual restaurant that lets you select your favourite locations around the globe with local cuisine and themed atmospheres.

Airômes by Mylène Manon Baillet

Airômes uses the process of vaporisation to aromatise your food with the flavours you want.

Wine Stewart by Roman Blahynka

The Wine Steward can maintain the perfect temperature for any type of wine to ensure optimal enjoyment from first drop to last.

Ingresure by JongWoo Choi

Ingresure will accurately measure the ingredients of your soup, sauce or stew and let you know how much salt, pepper or spice you need to cook like a pro.

Hula Washer by Sangsoon Lee

Save time and save money by using the energy you need to exercise to spin the Hula Washer, like a Hula Hoop, while it washes your clothes.

Fridge Nose by Vilius Dringelis

Fridge Nose is a home appliance that displays information about the food that is stored in your fridge. Using sensors placed in the food the Fridge Nose warns you when food has expired or lets you know just how long you have left.

Mo’Sphere by Yunuén Graciela Hernández López

Mo’Sphere allows the user to experiment with and experience new flavours and sensations through the exciting world of “molecular cooking”.

Memory by WenYao Cai

Memory is a coffee maker that uses hand print recognition to make the right cup of coffee for the right person.

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(Electrolux Design Lab 2012 – Top 30 Declared! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Electrolux Design Lab 2012 – Design Experience
  2. Electrolux & YD Present : Electrolux Design Lab LOGO Design Competition Results!
  3. Electrolux & YD Present : Electrolux Design Lab LOGO Competition – Deadline Extended!