Tiny World Terrariums

Create your own miniature world full of beautiful flora and fake fauna with this step-by-step guide

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From their Victorian-era genesis to waves of popularity in the ’70s and in recent years, terrariums have taken on a variety of mossy forms. Leading their most recent charge was the uniquely charming, Brooklyn-based Twig Terrariums, whose uncanny ability to build miniature worlds complete with perfectly manicured landscapes and quirky characters breathed new life into the household standby. Twig creators Michelle Inciarrano and Katy Maslow have recently released Tiny World Terrariums, sharing step-by-step instructions on creating your own verdant paradise.


With revealing photography of little dioramic worlds depicting every situation imaginable—from graffiti writers in Manhattan to backpacking adventures in the desert—the DIY manual teaches the average crafter how to transform their own glass jar from a simple dish to an enchanting landscape. The book is filled with dictionary-like descriptions and even suggestions of proper tools for harvesting moss from the wild, making this little book an ideal guide for the novice “terrarer”.


Tiny World Terrariums is now available from Amazon for about $25. The book may also be purchased directly from Twig Terrariums, which also has more information, terrarium inspiration and a list of suggested NYC-based retailers for terrarium essentials.