Ace Hotel, London: An interview with Ace Hotel co-founder Alex Calderwood at their new Shoreditch property

Ace Hotel, London

Well into bookings and a spot-on event schedule just a month after opening, The Ace Hotel’s latest offering takes its characteristic simplicity and buzz to east London’s Shoreditch neighborhood….

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BL-NK Hackney: An ephemeral open venue in the heart of London’s creative and tech community

BL-NK Hackney

Uses for community spaces are continually changing, along with the people and industries that inhabit them. As once quiet peripheral urban areas become revived and rapidly developed, certain opportunities arise for innovative use of space. One such area is the east London Borough…

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Tron Legacy – Aerosol Mural

Dans l’esprit du film Tron Legacy, voici cet Aerosol Mural commandité par Disney. Une impressionnante fresque de 20 mètres de long, filmé durant 4 jours en timelapse grâce à une collaboration entre Distillery Productions et le photographe Toby Summerskill.


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