
Bloesem Living | Printwork by Toni Point

{1. minimalist 2. tribal 3. sea coral 4. big fish 5. three fish 6. heart }

Has anyone else noticed the tribal trend taking over the accessories world right now? We are not complaining because we love it!

Printwork has many such prints to offer and these are just some of our favorite ones. Toni at Printwork has come up with a extensive range of beautiful prints (not just black and white ones, before some of you start to panic), you can definitely find one (or 10) that you would like. 

Toni has kindly offered a 20% off coupon code for Bloesem readers. The code is PRINTWORKLOVE, which must be entered during checkout to enjoy the discount. It will expire Oct 27 so don't wait too long! 

.. Printwork 



We are a team screenprint

Serigrafia di Coni Della Vedova. La trovate insieme a molte altre su Etsy.

We are a team screenprint