Simple: Conquering the Crisis of Complexity: Alan Siegel’s latest book shows what business can learn from simplicity and good design

Simple: Conquering the Crisis of Complexity

Designers are more than floor lamps and logos—first and foremost, they are problem solvers. When Alan Siegel began his career in corporate design, he saw a problem with complexity. He saw insurance forms that were incomprehensible…

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New iPad app inspires in-the-moment personal problem solving to help you live better every day

There are times in life when the blank notebook page stays blank for far too long—even the most productive people occasionally get stuck. For moments like these there’s Unstuck, a recently released iPad app to help you work through the situation at hand. Acting as a step-by-step troubleshooter and catalyst for action, Unstuck walks the user through a series of questions that end in a diagnosis, complete with suggestions of thought-provoking tools to help find a solution, as shown in this cleverly animated intro video.


Released by SYPartners, the free Unstuck app marks the first endeavor of a new sister company that taps into their nearly 20 years of experience helping big-name companies, leaders and teams during times of transformation and offers these strategic lessons to the individual. Having helped great leaders lead over these two decades, SYPartners felt compelled to take up the journey to offer this accumulation of knowledge through “tools and methods” to help people people get themselves unstuck. As Keith Yamashita, Chairman at SYPartners, said in our recent conversation, “we’re driven by greatness by trying to help people, companies, teams be great.”

The user-friendly app features a clutter-free layout with eye-catching infographic-style illustrations and easy-to-read instructions designed to get your mental gears moving again. As you work through the series of fill-in-the-blank questions Unstuck uses an algorithm—combined with your answers—to offer a diagnosis of what’s likely to be going on. From here the user is given a series of tools to help themselves work through the situation. Check out this demo for a closer look.

Most importantly though, Unstuck delivers a different diagnosis each time to account for the user’s ever-evolving situation. This adjustment mimics real life in the sense that no situation is ever stagnant and the reasons behind it generally change over time. And thus Unstuck becomes a tool that can be used time and time again.


To make the app accessible to as many people as possible it’s been made available for free download through the App Store’s Lifestyle section. Once Unstucks’ subscriptions build more community-based aspects will be rolled out. Here individuals will be able to instantly connect with others who are in or previously were in the same place, to work as a team and share the good will to help one another get unstuck.