Interactive Education with 1000 Days of Syria: A text-based web game, set during the first months of the Syrian uprising

Interactive Education with 1000 Days of Syria

When journalist Mitch Swenson ventured into the north of Syria in September 2013, he witnessed the tragic depths of the war first-hand. Most of the conflict coverage centered around the cities, but Swenson soon found that…

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Live Fast Mag’s First Annual Print Issue: The LA-based publication kicks it up a notch with their first offline edition

Live Fast Mag's First Annual Print Issue

Vivianne Lapointe isn’t only a CH contributor, but happens to be the founder of LA-based website Live Fast Mag. Over the past few years, Lapointe has gathered many different voices to cover the focus topics…

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Tiny Atlas Quarterly: An aesthetically driven travel magazine that incites adventure in all forms

Tiny Atlas Quarterly

Wanderlust, adventure, lost, found; these words evoke different feelings, memories and ideas in all of us. While universal, the need to explore our surroundings is deeply personal. For some, it means seeking rest and relaxation, be that lying on a tranquil beach or…

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