Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

Spanish lighting designers Luzinterruptus scattered 10,000 glowing books across the ground at Federation Square in Melbourne this summer for a lighting festival dedicated to reading.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

Entitled Literature Versus Traffic, the installation was designed to resemble a river that winds along the pavements and roads of the busy public square.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

The designers sourced the discarded books from local libraries and placed LED lights behind the pages of each one to illuminate the printed words.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

Over the course of the month they were also able to gradually move the books into different configurations.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

On the final day visitors were invited to choose a few to take home, while others were donated to passing drivers through open car windows.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

“The objective was to create a symbolic gesture in which literature took control of the streets and became the conquerer of the public space,” explained one the anonymous artists.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

The installation remained in place throughout June for the Light in Winter lighting festival. Reading was the theme, so the organisers had asked Luzinterruptus to create a scaled-up version of a similar installation they had completed in New York.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

Other temporary lighting projects by Luzinterruptus include skips filled with glowing carrier bags and illuminated nipples stuck to statues.

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

See all our stories about Luzinterruptus »

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

See more installations on Dezeen »

Literature Versus Traffic by Luzinterruptus

The post Literature Versus Traffic
by Luzinterruptus
appeared first on Dezeen.

Plastic garbage guarding the museum

5000 sacchi usa e getta sono stati barattati dagli abitanti di Winthertur in cambio di biglietti per i vari musei della zona. In seguito gonfiati ad aria e illuminati, hanno composto l’installazione del collettivo spagnolo luzinterruptus per la mostra oh, plastiksacki al gewerbemuseum.

Luzinterruptus Installation

Le collectif madrilène Luzinterruptus est très engagé dans les enjeux écologiques. Notamment envers celui de la pollution lumineuse, qui nous empêche de voir les étoiles dans le ciel la nuit. Ils ont voulu exprimer cela en imaginant de l’herbe lumineuse en pleine ville.















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Touch! Touch! Nothing will HappenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Guerilla lighting designers Luzinterruptus snuck out in the dead of night to stick 400 illuminated silicone nipples all over statues outside the Public Art Museum in Madrid.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Calling the project Touch! Touch! Nothing will Happen, the designers wanted to make citizens stop and touch the artworks they walk past every day.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Lots of the nipples were stolen on the first night but the installation lasted six days.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Other installations by Luzinterruptus include an army of scarecrows in radioactive suits, fairy lights under autumn leaves and lamps for reading crime novels in dangerous parts of the city.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Israeli student Naama Arbel caused a stir on Dezeen last month with her nipple-shaped lamps – take a look at them here.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Photographs are by Gustavo Sanabria.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

Here are some moe details from Luzinterruptus:

This is our last intervention “Touch! Touch! Nothing will happen…

Public art is well represented in Madrid, a multitude of statues and sculptures can be found all over the city, but they give us the sensation that they have been installed in such a way as to make people feel uncomfortable approaching them, touching or interacting with them. The majority are placed on high pedestals, they are surrounded with many security measures or they have been placed in the middle of gardens, which are prohibited to step in.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

A good example of this form of exposure to art in the city is the Museum of Public Art in Madrid, an open air space in which some of the most famous Spanish artists of previous generations display their great pieces of sculpture.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

In spite of being robust and compact, appropriate to be touched and used, they are inaccessible to the public, except to view. Their pedestals are high, they are illuminated with powerful lights that convert them into slightly uncomfortable pieces and as a definitively deterrent measure, are posted with signs that warn that the space is under the direct surveillance of the municipal police.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

The morning of the 26th of September, we decided to approach various statues of said museum, placing 400 silicone nipples, of realistic appearance, pleasant to touch and similar to those of humans.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

With this installation we wanted the passers-by who always pass through this area, from big offices and luxurious houses, to become aware of the exhibitive environment and to take time to look and touch without shame. While we were installing it, the night owls that came out of the nearby discos, attracted by the light that our nipples gave off, came closer and looked surprisedly at these curious objects, so alien to the cold surfaces of the sculptures.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

And as if it were due to an act of reflex, nobody could avoid moving their hand closer and touching their soft surface, some of them unstuck the pieces that were closer at hand, to make off with such a warm prize, in spite of the surveillance and the hostility of the environment. With this effective call, we got the people to approach the art that makes up their everyday environment, which they hardly notice, and devote some time to looking at it and touching it with delight.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

We cannot avoid thinking, with a certain amount of glee, in the final destination of these illuminated nipples, sure that the majority will end up in the glove compartment of some sports car, hidden in some dark drawer of an office, in the trouser pockets of some executive or in the brand name handbags of some early rising women.

Touch! Touch! Nothing will happenŠ by Luzinterruptus

We hope that these nipples continue to be happily played with by their owners, while they ask themselves what the heck they were doing stuck to the sculptures on the bridge… and every time they pass by this particular museum, they stop to contemplate the pieces of sculpture, with a more fun and playful attitude.

See also:


Radioactive Control
by Luzinterruptus
by Luzinterruptus
Luz Interruptus
by Luzinterruptus

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

An army of 100 scarecrows dressed in glowing decontamination suits kept a sinister vigil over the Dockville Festival in Hamburg earlier this month.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Installed by Spanish designers Luzinterruptus, the figures were supported in regular rows and adorned with nuclear symbols, blank faces and taped-up mouths.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

They remained in place for one month.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Luzinterruptus specialise in guerrilla lighting installations, with past project including “cosy” places to relax and read crime novels in undesirable parts of town and autumn leaves with LED lights attached. See all our stories about their work here.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

See all our stories about lighting here.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Photos are by Gustavo Sanabria.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

The information below is from Luzinterruptus:

The installation Radioactive Control was created for the Dockville Festival in de Hamburg which tried to demonstrate, in a humorous tone, the paranoia that we are suffering from since the escape of radioactive material in Japan, has brought into question the safety systems at the nuclear power plants.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

With our mysterious army of 100 illuminated radioactive figures, which advanced threateningly on the natural environment of the festival, we wanted to invite reflection regarding the use and abuse of nuclear energy, cheap in economic terms, but which can cause grave secondary effects for the environment and health, forever irreversible.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Germany has been the first developed country to announce the total abandonment of nuclear energy by 2022, we know that this was not an altruistic decision and has a lot to do with the creation of new and innovative industries, which will make them pioneers in the market.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

But just in case they change their minds, we already know that what politicians legislate today, they change tomorrow with impunity, we wanted to simulate, for the festival, a life under the constant threat of nuclear accidents.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Thanks to the people of the Dockville organization for their help and support in putting together the installation and their hospitality during our stay and to all the volunteers who donated their time and abilities so that in the end our army stayed afoot, with a military air, for the month that the festival lasted.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Time of installation: 6 days.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Damages: none.

Radioactive Control by Luzinterruptus

Exhibition time: 30 days.

The photos are by Gustavo Sanabria.

See also:


An Almost Ephimeral Autumn
by Luzinterruptus
Personal Reading in Public Sites by Luzinterruptus Luz Interruptus
by Luzinterruptus