The Color Of Pain

Paraplegic athletes who are into extreme sports like Sit-Skiing, Wheelchair Basketball and Ice Sledge Hockey and are subject to their risks. These sportspeople are often suffering from reduced or total loss of pain sense and don’t even realize that they are bruised or injured. The Bruise is a smart injury detection suit for Paraplegic Athletes.

Injuries that are left untreated for this segment can develop into a performance-hindering or even life-threatening condition.

How it works:

  • The Bruise uses a recyclable pressure-sensitive film to indicate the severity of injuries.
  • It is made of sweat-wicking stretch fabric for a comfortable supportive fit.
  • Mesh inserts and ergonomic seams offer breathability and freedom for movement.
  • High-risk areas are covered with disposable made-to-fit film inserts.
  • If an area is excessively stressed during an accident, the film will irreversibly change color.
  • After training or competing, injured areas can be easily spotted and dealt with.

Designers: Dan Garrett, Elena Dieckmann, Ming Kong & Lucy Jung

Yanko Design
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(The Color Of Pain was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Subtle Sensory Feedback Through Food

The Double Contrast Glass, Jug, Hob Guard, Plate B, Mug, Cutlery and Chopping Board with Chopping Knife are all a part of the Leaven Range of Cutlery And Kitchen Tools for a person who is suffering from partial or full sight loss. Essentially the range is very interactive and with subtle hints and indentations is able to provide sensory feedback to the user. With the intention of making the dining experience more confident and fulfilling, I think designer Simon Kinneir has addressed and resolved quite a few key issues.

Designer: Simon Kinneir

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Subtle Sensory Feedback Through Food was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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