Stacking Throne by Laurens van Wieringen

Stacking Throne by Laurens van Wieringen

Milan 2011: Amsterdam designer Laurens van Wieringen presents this piled-up child’s chair at Ventura Lambrate this week.

Stacking Throne by Laurens van Wieringen

Called stacking throne, the seat can be lowered as the child grows by removing up to four of the foam components, which can then be used as toys or reconfigured into shelving.

Stacking Throne by Laurens van Wieringen

The exhibition continues until 17 April. See all our stories about Milan 2011 »

Here’s a tiny bit of text from Laurens van Wieringen:

‘Stacking Throne’

The Stacking Throne was a private commission and especially designed for 1 year old girl, Bodile.

She can now use it throughout her life. 4 of 5 foam parts can be taken out and used as her imagination suits her.

See also:


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