Pylon by Marcus Abrahamsson and Kristoffer Fagerström for Nola

Pylon by Marcus Abrahamsson and Kristoffer Fagerström for Nola

Swedish designers Marcus Abrahamsson Kristoffer Fagerström have created this bench with a seat made of stacked pine batons for outdoor furniture brand Nola.

Pylon by Marcus Abrahamsson and Kristoffer Fagerström for Nola

Called Pylon, the design features a folded metal base that branches to support the coloured slats.

Pylon by Marcus Abrahamsson and Kristoffer Fagerström for Nola

Abrahamsson originally designed the bench in untreated pine for the cafe area at Konstfack University College, where he graduated in 2009.

Pylon by Marcus Abrahamsson and Kristoffer Fagerström for Nola

The project was exhibited at Stockholm Furniture Fair, took place 8-12 February 2011. See all our coverage of the event »

Here are some more details from Nola:


Designed by Marcus Abrahamsson and Kristoffer Fagerström

This sleek seat is based on a traditional bench shape, which has been dramatically transformed into a strikingly futuristic design. Taking inspiration from the pylons towers that support power lines, the designers constructed the base of the bench from twin uprights that anchor the seat the floor. Two layers of thick pine slats are glued together to form the seat, which is gripped between the upper reaches of the base supports. Pylon is a perfect complement to high-design interiors and cutting-edge architecture, or any setting where design takes centre stage. A one-seater version is also available.

See also:


Bench by Raw Edges
for Bench 10
Bench by Richard Shed
for Bench 10
Kiwa bench by
Hyung Suk Cho