Winter Fancy Food Show 2014: Some savory, sweet and spicy standouts from San Francisco’s massive specialty food show

Winter Fancy Food Show 2014

Walking through the rows upon rows of exhibits at San Francisco’s Winter Fancy Food Show proved to be a herculean task. The goal of surveying as many products as possible was made easy with McConnell’s Fine…

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Hawt Sauce by Holloway Kitchen: London-based Telegramme spice it up with sumptuous packaging for the newly-released, small-batch condiment

Hawt Sauce by Holloway Kitchen

by Gavin Lucas Made from just 10 ingredients, Hawt Sauce is the result of a year’s experimentation and is the very first product to emerge from Adam Brooks’ start-up culinary enterprise, Holloway Kitchen. “It’s unusual in that it’s very thick, almost like a…

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