Pentax WG-3 GPS: Come hell or high water, a camera ready for your next adventure

Pentax WG-3 GPS

With 15 generations of ruggedized cameras in their back pocket, it’s no surprise that Pentax leads the pack when it comes to durable point-and-shoots. Spotted recently at CES, their latest model is the WG-3 GPS, which takes everything we loved about the WG-2 and tacks on a few more…

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The Turtle Shell

Outdoor Technology’s durable, Bluetooth-enabled speaker that works almost anywhere

The Turtle Shell

After first catching our attention with a pair of low-profile Bluetooth headphones a few months back, Outdoor Technology has us once again fixated on another wireless device. This time around it’s the Turtle Shell, a brazenly designed, Bluetooth-enabled speaker hitting Kickstarter today. Built to handle a range of sophisticated…

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Pivot from Defy Bags

The military-grade bag maker goes streamlined

Pivot from Defy Bags

Based in Chicago, Defy is a manufacturer of heavy-duty bags constructed from heavy-duty military-grade and upcycled materials. The products are unabashedly overkill—considering their customers are mostly techies and non-traditional businessmen—but as founder Chris Tag explains, the feel of the materials in hand justifies the lot. Defy Bags has just…

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Tour Phare

Focus sur la Tour Phare, une œuvre architecturale de grande envergure, afin de relancer le quartier de La Défense. Un projet de l’architecte américain Thom Mayne de l’agence Morphosis. Avec 297 m de hauteur, elle sera la plus haute tour de France.







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