Design Award Winner DIY Calendar

Dirigée par le designer Eduardo Aires, la marque portugaise Bitri propose un magnifique Do It Yourself Calendar, un calendrier qui peut aussi bien être utilisé comme journal. Un objet élégant, qui permet ainsi à chacun de se l’approprier, de le customiser pour son usage personnel. Un projet à découvrir dans la suite.

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Design Award Winner DIY Calendar4
Design Award Winner DIY Calendar3
Design Award Winner DIY Calendar2
Design Award Winner DIY Calendar
Design Award Winner DIY Calendar6

Pawel Jonca Illustrations

L’artiste polonais Pawel Jońca a un style bien à lui : des illustrations aux messages subliminaux, parfois poétiques mais toujours plein de finesse. Il gagne de nombreux prix, et travaille pour la presse polonaise et internationale. Une très belle carrière et des illustrations sublimes à découvrir dans la suite.


The Young Director Award

Pensée pour promouvoir The Young Director Award, un prix soutenant les talents créatifs dans la production de films depuis 1998, cette vidéo « Whisper » imaginée par Gioacchino Petronicce et produite par Moonwalk Films est une magnifique création utilisant le langage des réalisateurs dans des situations enfantines.

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The Young Director Award 5
The Young Director Award 4
The Young Director Award 2
The Young Director Award
The Young Director Award 7
The Young Director Award 3

La Vallée des Arômes: The multiple award-winning chardonnay from a small cooperative in Southern France

La Vallée des Arômes

by Dora Haller Southern France’s Languedoc-Roussillon region is the single biggest wine-producing area in the whole world. Vineyards of all sizes can be found among the region’s 700,000 acres stretching from Provence to the border of Spain, but one standout we recently had…

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Fubiz Awards 2013 – Party

Le 16 mai dernier, la cérémonie des Fubiz Awards 2013 se déroulait à la Chapelle des Récollets / Café A à Paris avec 800 invités. A cette occasion, les noms des vainqueurs ont été dévoilés avant de laisser place à des DJ Sets d’Arthur King et de Twinsmatic. Découvrez une vidéo retraçant cet évènement dans la suite.

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Fubiz Awards 2013 – Animation

Jusqu’à la fin des votes pour les Fubiz Awards 2013 prévu pour le 14 mai 2013 minuit, nous vous proposons de mettre en avant les nominés de chacune des 8 catégories présentées. Découvrez aujourd’hui dans la suite de l’article en images, les 8 nominés de la « catégorie Animation » de cette année.



Where Things come From

When I Grow Up

Understand Music

The Boundaries of Life and Death

I, pet goat II

Howlin’ Wolf

When I Grow Up Animation4 - copie
Understand Music7 - copie
Where Things come From7 - copie
The Boundaries of Life and Death6 - copie
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Cloudy Film5 - copie

Captivating Cube

In designing the Urban Green Council’s EBIE Awards, designer Mark Pernice aimed for something beautifully simplistic, familiar but progressive, of the earth but ethereal, and organic in material but not in aesthetic. The result is this captivating cube. Though each award has the exact same shape and construction, they appear different depending on the viewer’s perception. The bioresin material was chosen for its affordability, soft smoky aesthetic and color variance which will change each year.

Designer: Mark Pernice

EBIE Award Design from Mark Pernice on Vimeo.

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Captivating Cube was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  1. Arty’s Watch is Captivating
  2. Now Cube This
  3. Rotterdam Cube

Ten Innovative Award Winning Concepts at A’ Design Awards

Innovation is a very relative term and can resonate differently to people. One of the definitions I learnt was that innovations should be something new; should generate curiosity and debate; and lastly should be doable. Barring the doable criteria, I guess most of what is defined is true. When we chart the course of the A’ Design Awards, we see some really innovative concepts showcased that have generated enough traction to warrant a conversation.

Here is a look at ten innovative award winning concepts that have won the A’ Design Awards.

Handishred by Yen Lau

The Booklight by Kahyun Kim

Ni Ji Jing 11.5m Sports Trimaran Yacht by Benjamin Eddy

Kitchen Train Kitchen Accesories by Ahmad Abedini

Frohne Eclip Usb Flash Drive by Derrick Frohne

Prevue Wearable Pregnancy Ultrasound by Melody Yi-Yun Shiue

Flyvolt G 208 Eletrically Powered Aircraft by Bruno Giardino

Sunflower Solar Povered Lunchbox by Edita Barabas

Unpredictable Teapot by Zhizhong Huang

Vespeo Automatic Espresso MacHine by Stefan Radev

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Ten Innovative Award Winning Concepts at A’ Design Awards was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. ZINK Imaging Seeks New Innovative Solutions From The Design Community
  3. ZINK Imaging Seeks New Innovative Solutions From The Design Community

Elasty iPhone Case

Questa semplice e (in teoria) funzionale concept case è stata progettata da Koo’s design vincendo i Korean Belkin Design Award. Le due fasce elastiche posteriori dovrebbero assicurare una buona presa per cuffie, soldi, etcc…Aspettiamo quindi di vederli un giorno in vendita sugli scaffali.