Living Light Bulbs

Already being used as a large-scale power source for housing heating/cooling & biodiesel creation, algae as a natural energy source is one of the more exciting alternatives of the near future. The AlgaeBulb is an exploration into the use of the organisms on a micro-scale in single LED lightbulb that harnesses the green-power of algae. Using a small air pump compressor, tank, and hydrophobic material, it creates just enough electricity to power the LED for limited durations. Hit the jump to see how it works!

Designer: Gyula Bodonyi

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(Living Light Bulbs was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. Smoke and Mirrors and Light Bulbs
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Arup unveils world’s first algae-powered building

World's first algae-powered building tested in Germany

News: the world’s first building to be powered entirely by algae is being piloted in Hamburg, Germany, by engineering firm Arup.

The “bio-adaptive facade”, which Arup says is the first of its kind, uses live microalgae growing in glass louvres to generate renewable energy and provide shade at the same time.

Installed in the BIQ building as part of the International Building Exhibition, the algae are continuously supplied with liquid nutrients and carbon dioxide via a water circuit running through the facade.

When they are ready to be harvested they are transferred as a thick pulp to the technical room inside the building and fermented in a biogas plant.

World's first algae-powered building tested in Germany

The facade also absorbs heat from the sun to warm the building’s hot water tank, while sunny weather encourages the algae’s growth to provide more shade for the building’s occupants.

“To use bio-chemical processes for adaptive shading is a really innovative and sustainable solution, so it is great to see it being tested in a real-life scenario,” said Jan Wurm, a research leader at Arup.

“As well as generating renewable energy and providing shade to keep the inside of the building cooler on sunny days, it also creates a visually interesting look that architects and building owners will like,” he added.

The project was led by Arup in cooperation with German consultancy SSC Strategic Science Consult and the building was designed for the exhibition by Austrian firm Splitterwerk Architects. The shading louvres were made in Germany by Colt International.

The International Building Exhibition in Hamburg continues until 3 November.

Algae-powered buildings have until now remained in the conceptual stage, with ideas for a building covered in modular algae pods and a biofuel-powered skyscraper in London previously featuring on Dezeen – see all algae architecture and design.

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algae-powered building
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Researchers develop "biological concrete" for moss-covered walls

Researchers develop biological concrete

Scientists at a Spanish university are developing a new type of concrete that captures rainwater to create living walls of moss and fungi.

Unlike existing vertical garden systems which require complex supporting structures, the new “biological concrete” supports the growth of organisms on its own surface, according to researchers from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona.

Researchers develop biological concrete

Top image: simulation of a vegetated facade at the Aeronautical Cultural Centre in El Prat de Llobregat

Above: simulation of a vegetated facade at the Ako-Suites Aparthotel in Barcelona

The concrete contains a biological layer that collects and stores rainwater, providing a moist growing environment where microalgae, fungi, lichens and mosses can thrive, they explain in a report.

A waterproof layer separates the organisms from the inner structural part of the concrete, while an outer layer acts in reverse, allowing rainwater in and preventing it from escaping.

Researchers develop biological concrete

Above: lichens on a rock

The concrete also absorbs carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and acts as an insulating material and a thermal regulator, say the researchers, who are currently in the process of patenting the material.

The next step is to accelerate the process so that the mossy surface develops in under a year, they add.

We’ve featured lots of buildings with living walls, including a mossy office building in Amiens, France, and a São Paulo furniture showroom covered with plant-filled vases – see all our stories about green walls.

We’ve also featured a number of projects using algae, such as a conceptual skyscraper that would make energy from algae and a concept car that would also use the organism to make fuel – see all our stories about algae.

Images are courtesy of UPC.

Here’s some more information from the researchers:

Researchers at the UPC develop a biological concrete for constructing “living” façades with lichens, mosses and other microorganisms

The Structural Technology Group has developed and patented a type of biological concrete that supports the natural, accelerated growth of pigmented organisms. The material, which has been designed for the façades of buildings or other constructions in Mediterranean climates, offers environmental, thermal and aesthetic advantages over other similar construction solutions.

In studying this concrete, the researchers at the Structural Technology Group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) have focused on two cement-based materials. The first of these is conventional carbonated concrete (based on Portland cement), with which they can obtain a material with a pH of around 8. The second material is manufactured with a magnesium phosphate cement (MPC), a hydraulic conglomerate that does not require any treatment to reduce its pH, since it is slightly acidic.

On account of its quick setting properties, magnesium phosphate cement has been used in the past as a repair material. It has also been employed as a biocement in the field of medicine and dentistry, indicating that it does not have an additional environmental impact.

The innovative feature of this new (vertical multilayer) concrete is that it acts as a natural biological support for the growth and development of certain biological organisms, to be specific, certain families of microalgae, fungi, lichens and mosses.

Having patented the idea, the team is investigating the best way to promote the accelerated growth of these types of organisms on the concrete. The goal of the research is to succeed in accelerating the natural colonisation process so that the surface acquires an attractive appearance in less than a year. A further aim is that the appearance of the façades constructed with the new material should evolve over time, showing changes of colour according to the time of year and the predominant families of organisms. On these kinds of buildings, other types of vegetation are prevented from appearing, lest their roots damage construction elements.

Three layers of material

In order to obtain the biological concrete, besides the pH, other parameters that influence the bioreceptivity of the material have been modified, such as porosity and surface roughness. The result obtained is a multilayer element in the form of a panel which, in addition to a structural layer, consists of three other layers: the first of these is a waterproofing layer situated on top of the structural layer, protecting the latter from possible damage caused by water seeping through.

The next layer is the biological layer, which supports colonisation and allows water to accumulate inside it. It acts as an internal microstructure, aiding retention and expelling moisture; since it has the capacity to capture and store rainwater, this layer facilitates the development of biological organisms.

The final layer is a discontinuous coating layer with a reverse waterproofing function. This layer permits the entry of rainwater and prevents it from escaping; in this way, the outflow of water is redirected to where it is aimed to obtain biological growth.

CO2 reduction

The new material, which has various applications, offers environmental, thermal and aesthetic advantages, according to the research team led by Antonio Aguado and supported by Ignacio Segura and Sandra Manso. From an environmental perspective, the new concrete absorbs and therefore reduces atmospheric CO2, thanks to its biological coating.

At the same time, it has the capacity to capture solar radiation, making it possible to regulate thermal conductivity inside the buildings depending on the temperature reached. The biological concrete acts not only as an insulating material and a thermal regulator, but also as an ornamental alternative, since it can be used to decorate the façade of buildings or the surface of constructions with different finishes and shades of colour; it has been designed for the colonisation of certain areas with a variety of colours, without the need to cover an entire surface. The idea is to create a patina in the form of a biological covering or a “living” painting.

There are also possibilities for its use in garden areas as a decorative element and as a sustainable means of blending buildings and constructions into the landscape.

Architectural renovation

The material lends itself to a new concept of vertical garden, not only for newly built constructions, but also for the renovation of existing buildings. Unlike the current vegetated façade and vertical garden systems, the new material supports biological growth on its own surface; therefore, complex supporting structures are not required, and it is possible to choose the area of the façade to which the biological growth is to be applied.

Vegetated façades and vertical gardens depend on a plant substrate in some type of container, or they use cultures that are totally substrate-independent, such as hydroponic cultures. However, they require complex systems attached to the construction itself (layers of material) and even adjacent structures made of metal or plastic. This can lead to complications associated with additional loads, the reduction of light, or the reduction of space around the building. With the new “green” concrete, the organisms can grow directly on the multi-layered material.

Patent and commercialisation

The research has led to a doctoral thesis, which Sandra Manso is writing. At present, the experimental campaign corresponding to the phase of biological growth is being conducted, and this will be completed at the UPC and the University of Ghent (Belgium). This research has received support from Antonio Gómez Bolea, a lecturer in the Faculty of Biology at the University of Barcelona, who has made contributions in the field of biological growth on construction materials.

At present, a patent is in the process of being obtained for this innovative product, and the Catalan company ESCOFET 1886 S.A., a manufacturer of concrete panels for architectural and urban furniture purposes, has already shown an interest in commercialising the material.

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for moss-covered walls
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Dezeen archive: algae

Algae archives

Dezeen archive: this week we featured a skyscraper with an algae skin, so we thought we’d bring you all the projects involving algae we’ve published on Dezeen. See all the stories »

See all our archive stories »

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FSMA Tower by Dave Edwards

Algae would produce energy and clean water for a conceptual skyscraper proposed for London by British architect Dave Edwards.

FSMA Tower by Dave Edwards

The outer skin of the skyscraper is imagined as a green wall used for food and improving air quality, with algae absorbing CO2 emissions and also harvested as bio-methane to provide heat and power.

FSMA Tower by Dave Edwards

Waste biomass would be used to feed the building’s skin while waste water would be sent through the algae to be recycled.

FSMA Tower by Dave Edwards

A ground source heat pump would store summer heat and enable surplus heat from the waste biomass and from London Underground to be circulated through the tower in the winter.

FSMA Tower by Dave Edwards

The base of the tower would be taken up by a future iteration of the Financial Services Authority, while housing, retail and community facilities would fill the upper floors.

FSMA Tower by Dave Edwards

We’ve previously featured proposals for algae-growing pods on the side of a skyscraper and an algae bioreactor fitted into a building’s facade.

FSMA Tower by Dave Edwards

See more stories about algae »
See more stories about skyscrapers »

Here’s some more text from Edwards:

Ecologies of (Bio) Diversity: Self Sustaining tower for the City of London

The project re-imagines the tall building not as a singular edifice to one commonly corporate programme but as an ecology of different interdependent programmes. Layered together in a matrix similar to the conventional city, in this manner the urbanism of the city is not left at street level but brought into the sky via informal encounter and diversity of uses and users within the tower.

This project is not singular. It proposes the City of London as being re-colonised by people living as well as working within the Square Mile. The green beacons act as garden squares around which new urban diversity is created and new populations and new economies occur. The tower has not completely removed the programmes that are currently planned for this part of the city, but hybridised them and woven them with new programmatic insertions aimed at creating this more normal urban diversity found elsewhere in the city. The tower is sited between the city banks and the Bank of England, at a point of urban confluence but also symbolically positioned in the centre of the city.

The site is a currently an empty piece of land cleared for two tower projects (currently on under construction). It lies in the centre of the Square Mile in a group of tall buildings that define the iconic skyline of London’s financial district. The area is characterised by a lack of residential space and is heavily urban, lacking open spaces and programmatic and bio-diversity that defines London at the beginning of the 21st century.

The tower seeks to reintroduce a diversity of programmes and bio-diversity in this barren part of London. In this respect it seeks to critique and redefine the nature of the skyscraper as a mono-programmed singular iconic edifice (Lloyds of London and the Gherkin are prime examples of this 20th century appropriation of the tall building). The new way of seeing the skyscraper as an ecology, an ecosystem of many intertwined programmes that add to the urban diversity of the city. The word ecology also relates to the notion of the skyscraper as infrastructure, with its size allowing for passive and active systems for re-using water, light and energy within a closed system.

The tower is a mixed of programmes loosely knitted together with voids between allowing for public integration of green space into the tower. At the base the civic element of the tower is that of a newly reformed Financial Services Authority II, promoting the notion of legislature re-entering the City of London after the excess of the late 20th century. This public body is fully accessible to the public, becoming an internal public space. Key worker housing fills the upper half of the tower, with retail and community facilities included. A primary school exists between floors 11 and 15, bringing further mix to the uses.

The outer skin is green – this is made up of a number of growing mediums, growing food and ecological plants to bring greenery into the city. This growing medium uses water pumped from the London Underground, with a new entrance to Bank Station placed beneath the FSA II.

The tower is a highly energy-intensive building to build and run. This is partly offset by the low land take (a highly valuable commodity in the UK). The building itself is seen as a living ecology. The algal ‘fields’ covering the facade absorb CO2 and can be harvested for bio-methane for use in the CHP, giving not just the tower but its surrounding structures renewable energy.

The waste biomass can through anaerobic digestion be used to feed the building skin. Waste water from this process and building uses can be sent through the algae, cleaning it for re-use within the building. Surplus heat from the digestion and the Tube beneath can be circulated through the tower in the winter through the floors. Tying this into a Ground Source Heat Pump means excess summer heat can be dumped into the ground.

Working with PhD researchers at University of Newcastle, some work has been done to quantify how this type of tower may function. These figures are often in dispute due to the untested nature of such a scale of system outside laboratory conditions but they begin to give some indication of what such a tower may be capable of.

Typical 21100 sqm (2.1Ha) of Algae Panels up to 44000 sqm
Absorbing 250,000 Tonnes of CO2 per year
Producing 450 Tonnes of bio-diesel converted to 4.6xE6KWh per year
Enough energy for 120 Average homes (3300KWh electricity 20500KWh Gas)
Heating requirements could be considered as half due to passive systems.

To further enhance the efficiency of the power generation system, a series of pinnacles can be built across the city. These are a visual reminder of the generation of local power and also act as waste water treatment, lessening the impact on the local infrastructure. These pinnacles, plus retro-fitting the panels onto the existing building, mean the FSA II tower becomes a centre of local servicing as well as adding new programmatic typologies. In principle, the FSA II tower represents not a singular edifice but a new network that turns the city into a self-sustaining ecology: recycling its own waste, generating its own power and providing areas for urban farming.

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Dave Edwards
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Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

This concept car by Los Angeles architects Emergent is made of cartilage and makes its own fuel from algae.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

The bio-engineered car would be grown instead of manufactured, with doors and bonnet made of synthetic skin and the chassis capable of folding up like a limb so the vehicle can be transported easily.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

The Semi-Rigid Car, designed to explore futuristic manufacturing processes, would be 3D-printed in one piece from a mixture of organic materials as well as polymers, rubbers, resins and silicone.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

Doors would be controlled by tendon-like mechanisms, curling back in response to chemical signals emitted by the owner.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

Algae tanks inside the car would provide fuel with LED lighting inside the tanks allowing production to continue at night, causing the semi-transparent bodywork to glow.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

The following details are from Emergent:

The Semi-Rigid Car

Concept cars in the history of the automotive industry, though often produced for brand marketing purposes, constitute, arguably, an avant-garde. The evolutionary development of that industry has always depended on the deterritorialization of domesticated forms of transportation through the introduction of mutations into the system. There are several biases in concept car design, of course, ranging from those which focus on advanced material applications, drive-train, fuel, safety, and other performance dimensions, such as in Formula One, to those which focus on contemporary body styling on a relatively indifferent, if not conventional chassis.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

These biases are also evident in contemporary architecture, in the current split between discourses of synthetic materiality and effects (formalism) vs. approaches based on the behavior of physical matter. In car design, however, this split has not become so academically entrenched, and the vast majority of successful concept car designs leverage crossovers between formal features and material behaviors. It is this kind of synthetic thinking which drives our design for the Semi-Rigid Car (SRC), and our hopes for architecture.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent


The SRC is an experiment underwritten by the recent revolution in what we call ‘multi-materiality’ in rapid prototyping. With the invention of 3D printers which not only print in multiple materials simultaneously, but in gradient mixtures of these materials, fabrication as we have understood it is transformed. No longer based on tectonics or assembly of parts, fabrication has suddenly become a new form of alchemy.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

Variable opacity, color, ductility, and rigidity are all in play, all at once, opening up radical possibilities for embedding structure, energy systems, and visual effects across a continuously changing material matrix. The mechanical appearance and behaviour of steel, glass, sheet metal, and fasteners is replaced with a new language of blending based on compositing synthetic and biological materials, not in layers, but in new molecular arrangements. The combinatorial range of capacities and aesthetics of polymers, resins, rubbers, silicone, cartilage, and cuticle puts into question the tired frame-and-infill model of design, which is based on extreme disparity of material capacities within hierarchical assemblies. In terms of automobile structural design over the last century, and its oscillations between vector frame and unibody (monocoque) models, the paradigm of multi-materiality offers alternatives away from both mineral logic and machine logic.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

Synthetic Cartilage and Actuated Skin

The multi-material range from soft to semi-rigid to rigid is applied across the discontinuous chassis and across the skin of the car. The base material, silicone, varies in thickness and density across the body, sometimes transforming into zones of semi-rigid synthetic cartilage. Similar to a shark skeleton, which is all cartilage, zones of semi-rigidity can occur as bundles of strands or plate-like formations.

The “crumple-zone” model of crash safety in unibody construction, where front and rear zones self-destruct in order to absorb impact forces, is replaced by the lively springiness of the semi-rigid construction. The car instead flexes and bounces back from impact. In addition, pressurized air pockets within the skin are triggered upon impact with other cars or pedestrians, integrating external air-bag technology in a way that would be impossible in a sheet metal body.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

Thickness variability of the base material generates variable opacity creating transparent zones for viewing out as well as deep atmospheric views inside the body of the car. The thickest zones are embedded with fluid reservoirs containing algae colonies, forming a photo-bioreactor for the production of bio-fuel. This fuel, similar to vegetable oil, is a renewable resource, and more importantly, produced by the car itself. The introduction of LED lighting into these reservoirs enables 24-hour biofuel production, and creates a deep glow through the silicone-like gel matrix at night.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

In contrast to the conventional mechanical movements of doors and hoods, involving frames and hinges, openings in the SRC are boneless and hinge-less (or better, giant living hinges). The ‘doors’ are slabs of synthetic skin, triggered by tendon-like actuators which respond to the pheromonal signature of the car’s owner. When they open, they quiver and curl, exhibiting behaviours which could not possibly involve sheet metal and hardware.

Semi-Rigid Car by Emergent

Click above for larger image

International distribution of the SRC from factory to point of purchase will not involve the unsustainable system of shipping completed cars. The flexibility of the semi-rigid chassis will allow the car to folded or rolled up for transport so it will spring open and settle. The higher degree of rigidity required for driving will be reached by pumping a gaseous catalyst into the hollow chassis which will cure an internal pre-preg polymer lining.

Finally, the wheels fuse rim and tire into a continuous gradient of rubber to rigid resinous biopolymer. Replacements can be 3D printed.

See also:


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