Call For Entries: Good 50X70

Their story in 59 seconds:

Good 50×70 project summary from Good 50×70 on Vimeo.

“The communications industry is the best in the world at grabbing people’s attention and getting them to act,” they say. “The aim of Good 50×70 is to use these skills to highlight more important things than beer and trainers. It’s a competition to raise awareness amongst the creative community of the power we have to be a force for good.”
-Good 50X70 Founders

This past year, the United States was witness to one of the most influential and inspiring political campaigns in history. The brilliant branding produced by Sender and Co., along with Fairey’s iconic portrait of Obama, served as catalysts to encourage the creative community to become active members in the political process by sharing their views and promoting discussion through visual means.

Given our present social, financial and environmental climate, the 7 endorsed charities for this competition need our help more than ever. As a creative community we can become a key players in fostering positive change. Visual communication is a powerful tool that can make a significant impact on the most pressing issues of our time.

In their words:

When we launched Good 50×70 in 2007 we had no idea how it would be received by the design community, the public, or even the charities we were working for. Two editions, fifteen workshops, twenty exhibitions and over 4,000 posters later, we believe we’re firmly on the way to accomplishing our aims of providing charities with creativity for free and waking the creative community up to the power they have to be a force for good.

Check out the 7 briefs, find one that inspires you, make a poster on that theme, upload it, repeat as necessary…

See GOOD 50X70 on Flickr:
Join GOOD 50X70 on Facebook:


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