Bye-Bye Bling! Spring Jewelry Goes Au Natural

imageLike most girls, I’m a sucker for anything shiny. I’ve been known to even gravitate towards random objects on the sidewalk that happen to catch the sun, only to find that it’s a piece of wadded up gum wrapper or a rogue screw from a nearby construction site. The era of the “bling” was an exciting one, but as I mature, I find my tastes are maturing as well. I still love diamonds (or the more affordable cubic zirconia, let’s be honest), but overly bedazzled pendants and baubles just seem a little juvenile and take over an outfit and its wearer instead of accenting it. This spring, it’s time to go au natural! Keep your shirts on because I was referring to all the beautiful natural stones that we are seeing in stores! The natural stones used range from agate to Zhichuan jade and anything pretty in between. We’re seeing pearls, turquoise and onyx chips adorning thin, multi-layered chains, large pieces of quartz and corals hanging from leather straps, bold cuffs boasting a variety of natural gems, and even bangles made exclusively from one stone. With a variety of great colors like vibrant teals, demure purples and dazzling orange-reds as well as varying sizes and lengths, it is fun to layer and mix this new spring trend to really express what you’re trying to say! Or, invest in one great statement piece and let it speak for you! Click my slideshow to see some favorites.

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