Blast From The Past: Jellies Make A Comeback!

imageJellies are as endemic to summer as ice cream truck jingles, kickball, and sparklers at twilight. For so many of us, the bright colors and strappy designs of this childhood staple were an early way to make a fashion statement, as well as a reason to beg to be allowed to wear nail polish (or sneak it when your parents weren’t looking). We left them somewhere between 5th and 6th grade, when Keds or more grown-up leather sandals took over and jellies were relegated to either younger siblings or the “outgrown” bin. And, like going from lowly camper to bonafide junior counselor, you never really looked back. At least, that is, until recent years when a passion for all things retro and simple has come surging back and your favorite rubber footies have been reinterpreted by fashion favorites from on-high (Givenchy, Jimmy Choo) to the more affordable (Asos). Check out the slideshow to see if they can entice you once again!

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