Ask Unclutterer: Storing pan lids

Reader Kate submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:

Cookware lids are a pain in the neck! With limited drawer and cabinet space I am forced to store my pots and pans one within the other – which leaves the lids to fend for themselves. They are big in diameter and the handle makes them awkward in shape – so my only solution this far has been to throw them in a drawer like a messy bunch of Frisbees. I’d love to hear if have a solution.

Since you have a drawer that is large enough for your lids, you’re only a few steps away from an organized solution.

Grab your largest and smallest lids, and head to your local office supply store. For less than $10, you should be able to find a file organizer that you can repurpose for lids. Just make sure that the specific organizer you choose works with your lids, which is why you’ll want your smallest and largest lids with you. Put the file organizer in your drawer and then vertically drop in all of your lids.

There are also organizers made specifically for lids, but I think they’re they exact same thing as what you get in office supply stores.

If you didn’t have a drawer, I’d recommend an organizer that attaches to the back of a cabinet door. This way, you don’t have to sacrifice horizontal storage space for items that can easily be stored vertically.

How do others store pan lids in kitchen cupboards and drawers? Give Kate even more ideas to choose from in the comments.

Thank you, Kate, for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column.

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