Announcement: CH Daily, RSS and Courier


After launching our redesign on Monday we’ve received a ton of great feedback and constructive criticism as well as a few bug reports.

Lagging behind the launch of the site we’ve gotten our CH Daily email newsletter back up and running with our new host and RSS is now fully repaired. You can subscribe to either of those here if you’re not already.

While the overwhelming response to the redesign has been positive, a few of you have voiced your distaste for our new body copy font, Courier. We like that it’s retro and feel strongly about having a different body font from the headers and nav, but understand that a monospace serif is not the easiest on the eyes. So we’re asking you, which you’d prefer, Georgia or Times. Drop us a line and let us know your choice. To help the decision, this post is repeated below in each.


After launching our redesign on Monday we’ve received a ton of great feedback and constructive criticism as well as a few bug reports.

Lagging behind the launch of the site we’ve gotten our CH Daily email newsletter back up and running with our new host and RSS is now fully repaired. You can subscribe to either of those here if you’re not already.

While the overwhelming response to the redesign has been positive, a few of you have voiced your distaste for our new body copy font, Courier. We like that it’s retro and feel strongly about having a different body font from the headers and nav, but understand that a monospace serif is not the easiest on the eyes. So we’re asking you, which you’d prefer, Georgia or Times. Drop us a line and let us know your choice. To help the decision, this post is repeated below in each.


After launching our redesign on Monday we’ve received a ton of great feedback and constructive criticism as well as a few bug reports.

Lagging behind the launch of the site we’ve gotten our CH Daily email newsletter back up and running with our new host and RSS is now fully repaired. You can subscribe to either of those here if you’re not already.

While the overwhelming response to the redesign has been positive, a few of you have voiced your distaste for our new body copy font, Courier. We like that it’s retro and feel strongly about having a different body font from the headers and nav, but understand that a monospace serif is not the easiest on the eyes. So we’re asking you, which you’d prefer, Georgia or Times. Drop us a line and let us know your choice. To help the decision, this post is repeated below in each.

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