ARDT x Bolo Magazine collab. tee

Questa t-shirt è nata dalla collaborazione tra il designer Marco Nicotra e Bolo Magazine in occasione dell’uscita del primo numero. La rivista è disponibile in 96 pagine stampata in 2 colori, nero e blu, formato 17 x 21,5 cm, con all’interno 45 collaboratori illustri come Hannah Stouffer, Katty Bouthier, Renzo Razzetto e La Tigre.
Il tema principale per il primo numero è: “Le stelle sono indispensabili” e viene fornito insieme a un cd musicale con 19 brani. E ‘attualmente disponibile per la vendita presso lo shop di Magazine Bolo e presto sul sito Ardentees.

ARDT x Bolo Magazine collab. tee

ARDT x Bolo Magazine collab. tee

ARDT x Bolo Magazine collab. tee

ARDT x Bolo Magazine collab. tee

Celebrity Caricatures

Focus sur les travaux d’illustrations de l’artiste Stanley Chow basé à Manchester. Des portraits et de nombreuses caricatures des célébrités et des personnages tels que Mohammed Ali, Clark Kent, Messi, Dexter ou encore Serge Gainsbourg. Une sélection à découvrir dans la suite.








































Galerie Caricatures sur Fubiz – Dans le même esprit : Celebrities Photography

Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook

Cardboard Radio

Disegnata da Christopher McNichol per SuckUk, gli interni di questa radio sono alloggiati in una struttura semplice in carta che può essere riciclata a fine vita del prodotto.

Cardboard Radio

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

Mirrors lining the ceilings and walls of a tiny pop-up clothing shop in Warsaw create the illusion of endless rails of garments. 

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

Polish architects Super Super and Inside/Outside collaborated to design the temporary pavilion inside a mobile office container for clothing retailer Zuo Corp.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

Lengths of LED lighting surrounding the edges of the walls are reflected in the mirrors and appear to be part of an infinite illuminated grid.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

To one side of the sales floor are a storage cupboard and dressing room, which ironically has no mirrors inside at all.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

The pavilion occupied the city centre site for three months earlier this year.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

Another clothes store by Super Super published on Dezeen uses cheap materials from a builders’ merchant – see our earlier story here.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

Photography is Jacek Majewski.

Here are some more details from Super Super:

Zuo corp. Pop-up shop, Bracka 20, Warsaw.

A temporary Pop-up shop for an independent clothing brand Zuo corp. was planned initially for the gardens of the Warsaw University Library during the summer. The building of the project however was postponed to the winter and relocated to the city center, opposite the popular Warsaw café ‘Między Namiʼ address Bracka 20. Zuo Corp. Pop-up shop opened on the 18th of December and was open for a limited time of just 3 months.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

The designers were given the use of a small sidewalk space, which would normally be allocated to café ‘Między Namiʼ in the summer as a garden café. A major requirement for the project was to use two interconnected office containers (dimensions 4.65 x 5.60 x 2.31m) that the investor had at their disposal. The metal insulated structure of the container was supposed to provide protection from the difficult weather conditions: heavy rain, snow and strong frosts (up to -20 ° C) occurring at this time of the year in Warsaw.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

The aim was to achieve maximum effect with minimum means, having a small budget and the use of the base structure of the containers. Another important task was to create a surprise effect when entering the pop-up shop. Small, inconspicuous object, as it seemed from the outside, was creating an “Alice in Wonderland” effect, to introduce the viewer to another world. The outer facade of the black cube did not announce what happened inside the pavilion. The containers were tightly “packed” in black canvas evoking an association with a magic box of a prestidigitator.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

A space of 27 square meters was divided in 3 different functions: a main exhibition room with dimensions of 4.5 x 4.5 m, and a small facilities area with storage and dressing room. The ceiling height of the space was very low, only 2.2 meters. To avoid the impression of being in a confined space, we decided to visually enlarge the main room to infinity by lining the walls and ceiling with mirrors. The floor was covered with black linoleum. The doors to the back and into the dressing room were also hidden behind mirrors. The changing room was lined with black cloth. The customers had to go outside the dressing room to see their own reflection.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

All edges of the interior walls were accentuated with stripes of LED lighting. This being the only source of the light to the room combined with the mirrors strongly emphasized the illusion of boundless space. The impression of the space having a low ceiling – gone: The clothing, light, people and floor all reflected in the
mirrors to infinity became the only heroes of the interior space. From every angle attention was focused purely on the new styling of the customer.

The project is a joint work of two design studios: Super Super (Hanna Kokczyńska, Jacek Majewski) and Inside/Outside (Agnieszka Kuczyńska). We all live and work in Warsaw.

Zuo Corp by Super Super and Inside/Outside

Name project: Zuo Corp
Used materials: office container, mirrors, LED lighting, black canvas
Construction methods: office containers, interior wooden structure
Furniture manufacturer: custom made
Lighting manufacturer: custom made, stripes of LED lighting
Floor area (m2): 27 m2
Costs (€): 10 000 €
Date of completion: December 2010

See also:


by Facet Studio
LN-CC by
Gary Card
Munich La Roca by
Bailo+Rull ADD

Coroflot Genius Gallery – LOLs for the Win


It’s that time again: our weekly announcement of eight new Coroflot members who do justice to our Genius Gallery. This week’s submissions skewed towards the three-dimensional end of the spectrum, and it was especially difficult to narrow down the pool of stellar industrial designers. In the end, Matias Conti, Dave Pickett and Ding3000 made the cut, as did a young auto designer by the name of Victor Uribe Chacon (don’t worry if you didn’t make it this week; we’ll keep your name on file for future reference). A few print / graphic / packaging designers make up the balance of the group.



This week’s Genius Gallery selections also include our fourth book prize winner, Ljubomir Babic of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. His illustrations are cartoonish in the best way possible, and even a brief glance at his 100+ image portfolio will elicit a couple (literal) laughs-out-loud.



Dave Pickett (Cleveland, Ohio) – Dave has already put together a remarkably strong ID portfolio as he enters his final year at the Cleveland Institute of Art.

Victor Uribe Chacon (Turin, Italy) – Victor is just a year older than Dave (above) and his auto design work has gotten a bit of attention on Coroflot.


Matias Conti (Beijing, China) – While many of the portfolios this week were on par with Matias’, he stood out for his awesome vehicle and action figure concepts.

Ding3000 (Hanover, Germany) – This German studio has a solid portfolio that is characterized by minimalism with a sense of playfulness and sometimes outright humor.


Lisa Llanes (New York, New York) – Lisa’s identity and collateral designs take client briefs to the next level.

David Matos (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain) – David does digipacks and he does them well.


Cassandra King (Kansas City, Missouri) – Cassandra’s graphic designs are simple yet expressive.

And to those of you who (you know who are): our selection criteria ranges from clean presentation to accurate information to editing (i.e. what you choose to omit is as important as what you choose to include). That said, we like to see enough work to demonstrate that you know what you’re doing in your creative discipline of choice… though it’s worth reiterating that a handful of well-organized projects typically goes further than a disorganized pile of images. So whether it’s your first time or your fifth time, submit your portfolio today!


Penfield Fall/Winter 2011 Outerwear Preview

Se ce la fate con questo caldo a dare un occhio alla preview della nuova collezione F/W 2011 di Penfield, fate un click su Highsnobiety.

Penfield Fall/Winter 2011 Outerwear Preview

Tim Wan

Lui è Tim Wan.

Vans Core Holiday 2011 Pacquard

Questa Vans Pacquard mi piace per il dettaglio in cuoio sulla tomaia, i lacci in pelle e il profilo minimal della suola. In consegna tra i migliori rivenditori.

Desk-It Weekly Calendar

Si torna dalla pausa estiva. Approfittate per far vedere al vostro capo quanto siete organizzati. Lo trovate da Poketo.

Desk-It Weekly Calendar

Desk-It Weekly Calendar

Costs an Arm & a Leg

La trovate su Threadless…design by Emery Green.

Costs an Arm & a Leg