I-Reel Showreel

Très beau showreel pour l’agence de communication française I-Reel située à Paris. Spécialisée dans la création et le développement de films, d’images de synthèse, de sites internet et d’outils multimédia. Un travail à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

Previously on Fubiz

Hot In The Hive: Telephone Cord Watch

imageWhat time is it? Time to get a new watch — and possibly finally return some of those missed calls that have been piling up on your PDA. Unfortunately this “On The Other Line” Telephone Cord Watch from Uncommon Goods can’t help you make phone calls, but it is a cute throwback to the pre-wireless world of long-distance communication. Made from recycled telephone cords and adorned with a vintage phone key, the timepiece is fun, functional, and artsy-chic. Plus, the stretchy cord eliminates the need for add-on links and resizing to suit your wrist. And you gotta admit, you kind of missed absent-mindedly twirling the cord around while you chit-chatted your way to an outrageous phone bill.

Price: $65
Who Found It: chelly was the first to add the “On The Other Line” Telephone Cord Watch to the Hive.

Go Bold This Fall With Oversized Jewelry

imageObviously a lot of us are trimming down the fashion budget in the interest of saving money, and outfits are pared down to the basics. So how do you dress things up without breaking the bank? Accessorize, of course. It’s no secret I LOVE all things big and bold, so it’s not surprising that I’m especially excited that this season oversized cocktail rings are all the rage. Personally I’m not much on necklaces, but I do love me some cocktail rings, so I’ve been trying to get a few pieces together to complement some outfits I bought for the fall and winter. I’m a big fan of this pearl-center flower ring by Kenneth Jay Lane, and this sparkly aubergine ring (also by KJL) is great for a little flash! Head over to TheFind for more ways to spice up your fall wardrobe!

LA Times Looks Into Michael Govans Salary, Christopher Knight Doesnt Like His Regular Absences


Like with the Guardian deciding to investigate Prince Charles‘ architectural meddlings after his most recent battles made such a stir, the same is now happening to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art‘s Michael Govan. Following his high-profile cutting of the museum’s weekend film program and then the sudden influx of donations to keep it afloat, the LA Times has decided to look into just how much of a cut Govan gets from their shrinking endowments. Turns out he’s doing pretty well for himself, between nearly $1 million in salary and additional benefits like rent-free housing and car allowances. This is certainly nothing unheard of, as we reported the other day on museum head’s salaries (at larger institutions, that cool million is about the standard), but art critic Christopher Knight has a bone to pick with one particular in his paper’s breakdown of Govan’s perks: that the director can be paid $36,000 per year to live in his home in New York City, or $1,000 per night, which he has done. Knight’s criticism isn’t over the fee so much as asking why Govan should be spending more than a full month across the country, away from his museum. “The time invested in another city is what seems inexplicably steep.”

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Reducing unnecessary distractions from colleagues at work

Mark at Productivity501 has some great tips for keeping office distractions to a minimum in his post this week “People Who Come to Distract You.” I have found that his second point works extremely well:

2. Stand and come out from behind your desk — If you conduct your conversation standing, it will likely be much shorter. This is a good thing to do before you know if they have something valuable or if they are just coming in to shoot the breeze. If you want them to stay, pull out a chair and return to your seat.

I’m not super fond of his fourth tip (probably best not to destroy your company’s furniture), so I’d replace it with the following:

4. Close the door to your office or face a chair backward at the entrance to your cube. Then, hang up a sign on either the door or the back of the chair that states: “Please only disturb in case of emergency.” People will self-censor, even if you’re in a cube.

What tips would you add? Let us know what has worked for you in the comments.

Maritiem Museum exhibition by Tjep.


Dutch designers Tjep. have completed an exhibition installation for the Maritiem Museum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. (more…)

Golgi Chairs

GOLGI CHAIR, 2009: Mahogany frame with interwoven leather hide seat. H84 x Seat H39 x D60 x W71 cm

After Controversies and Troubles, John Maedas Second Year at RISD is Time to Prove Himself


The mysterious resignation of Hope Alswang from her spot as director of the Rhode Island School of Design‘s Museum of Art has quickly been gathering steam outside of the Providence area. No new information has been revealed, with everyone who knows anything refusing to talk, but all the hubbub has resulted in this interesting piece the AP put together on RISD’s celebrity president John Maeda, discussing some of the hurdles he’s had to face as he enters his second year as the head of the school, including this recent business with Alswang’s departure. The piece speculates that “the luster of his hire seems to be wearing off” and now with smaller endowments limiting what he can do at RISD, layoffs, and some additional blunders and difficulties along the way, this will be the time to prove himself worthy of his position. Here’s a bit:

Maeda held a private meeting Tuesday with students and staff and later acknowledged in an interview being emotionally affected, but also emboldened, by the criticism.

“It gives me great strength because they are passionate about our institution. I wouldn’t trade that for anything,” Maeda said.

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Shocker at 11Bikes

11bikes is exclusive, head-twisting bicycle frames with eyebrow-raising design. The designs are limited to 11 pieces per continent. Each frame is lovi..

Ironman by diplomat

Inspired by traditional West African tribal furniture, Ironman replaces millennia of ad-hoc wood carving with an equally ancient blend of hand carving..