Coventry University: ID Alumni Uprising

In the early ’90s my alma mater, Pratt Institute, had its share of problems and dissatisfied students. I’ll never forget a piece of bathroom graffiti scrawled above the toilet paper dispenser in the ID department men’s room: “Diplomas – take one!”

A group of recently graduated and very disgruntled design students from the UK’s Coventry University have taken their unhappiness a step further than Sharpie slander in the loo: They’ve built a website maligning the school’s Auto Design program.

We are a small group of recent graduates from Coventry University Transport and Automotive Design that are very displeased with our experience there and decided to provide some insider information for all you Car Designer wannabes that are considering studying there….

Also please understand that by making this report we are damaging the reputation of the course we graduated from so in effect we are damaging the image of our certificate when applying for jobs. But for designers it’s not the reputation of their degree that really matters in the long term only ones passion, dedication, skill and hard work.

The mudslinging starts here.


Type Tuesday: Composition

Composition has an inspired way to send a love note: you send them the text and they will compose a sign with your proclamation. You can also choose from some famous quotes. See more of the messages on their Flickr site.

SmartPak is seeking a Senior Interactive Designer in Massachusetts


Senior Interactive Designer

Plymouth, Massachusetts

The Developer will be responsible for maintaining the overall SEO visibility of both sites by ensuring sites are coded within W3C’s XHTML specifications and following best practices for web development. As a senior member of the team, the Sr. Interactive Developer will need to learn our audience to propel our own marketing efforts.

» view

The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Type Tuesday: Matthew Croft

Spend some quality time looking through Matthew Croft’s portfolio.

Type Tuesday: Script for Tiffany’s

Jessica Hische has done some lovely custom type for Tiffany & Co.

Google Japan

La toute première publicité vidéo pour Google Chrome, en provenance du Japon et des bureaux de célèbre moteur de recherche. Entièrement en stop motion, il s’agit d’un court épisode présentant le navigateur avec des jouets. A découvrir dans la suite.



En savoir plus sur Google Chrome.

Record Sleeves

While trying to find a nice closeup of the vintage Brunswick Records wordmark, I came across the Little Library of Factory Sleeves.

James Dyson Donates Five Million to Royal College of Art


James Dyson, unable to build his design and engineering school after a drawn out tussle with the city of Bath in the UK, has decided that he still wants to help out by giving money to design education, so he’s announced that he will be giving five million dollars to the Royal College of Art to help construct a new building on their campus. He’s said that he hopes passing along this money to his alma mater (also that of David Adjaye, Ridley Scott, and Jonathan Ive) will help foster England’s design education, giving rise to more innovative thinking and developments in the country during these tough economic times. Here’s a bit:

“You often hear of British designers who’ve gone abroad and designed things for Apple, Volvo, Sony and so on, but if we are able to go on training very good designers and engineers, and manufacturing is given the right sort of support by government, I believe we can turn the tide and start exporting more than we import – and have great fun in the process.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Type Tuesday: Bing

We posted about Bing Crosby at Christmas, so why not Valentine’s? {image from here}

Twist Bench

pimg src=
alt= //ppfont color=#000000Formed from steam-bent, twisted ash, this bench looks like a piece of futuristic highway. Sit on this while pondering the path of your life. You might not know the destination or remember the point of origin of your journey but at least you’re still on the road and not off of it. I remind myself of this every day. Especially lately since I’ve been pondering how to make a more meaningful contribution. It’s like I keep waiting for some big surprise opportunity to come around the corner and what I should really be doing is to round that corner myself and let the surprise just run me over. That’s why I do all my best thinking while lying in the middle of the road./font/p