The WWF brings Shepard Fairey On Board

The WWF hired Shepard Fairey to develop the look for their Earth Hour campaign which is set to launch on March 28th. Earth Hour is a global initiative to ’switch off’ the globe for one hour. Yes, no electricity. 377 cities have already signed onto this global mandate to take action on climate change.

Fairey has been under a lot of heat lately, so we’ll give him a pass on what he churned out for this campaign. Truth be told, we were expecting something a bit more inspiring for this monumental one-hour global event. Your thoughts?


Sand Portrayal: President Obama

After some extreme heavy lifting, Jorge Rodriquez Gerada created a massive sand portrait of Barack Obama (2.5 acres in all). The portrait was created during the 2008 US presidential election using a large-scale vector graphic, a GPS topography system and approximately 650 tons of sand.

The technique of sand painting was used by the artist as a metaphor for the healing that needs to take place in order to improve our future and to secure a safer world for future generations.

To view more sand painting click here.

2 or 3 things…

div xmlns=””brpa href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Make77″ class=”at-xid-6a00d83451e8d469e2010536efdb41970b ” src=”” style=”width: 500px;”/a
brJust some things I really like … beautiful wooden pieces by a href=”” target=”_blank”Greg Gallegos/a, an independent and self taught Michigan craftsman with an a href=”” target=”_blank”online store/a called a href=”” target=”_blank”Natural Selection Studio/a …nbsp;/ppa href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Roddyginger” class=”at-xid-6a00d83451e8d469e2010536efe0c8970b ” src=”” style=”width: 500px;”/a
brThe brand new grogeous collection from one of my favorite new UK designers, a href=”” target=”_blank”Virginia Armstrong /a… a href=”” target=”_blank”Roddyamp;Ginger/a … /ppa href=”” style=”display: inline;”img alt=”Angela” class=”at-xid-6a00d83451e8d469e2011168594f7b970c ” src=”” style=”width: 500px;”/a/ppI LOVE a href=”″ target=”_blank”Angela Liguori’/as new ‘a href=”″ target=”_blank”numerals brocaded ribbons’/a, made in Italy and directly imported from Rome./p/div

Creating a central binder for your home

As much as I tend to store information digitally, slips of paper still manage to sweep into our home, such as gym schedules, school lunch menus, and event flyers. That is why I have set up a central home binder. It offers a safe haven for important papers, vital contacts for anyone to access, and a receptacle for health information.

I personally set up a very simple system for less than $15. Here is how to create one of your own:

First, decide what categories best reflect the kind of information you refer to often and that you want to store in your central home binder. Categorize by type of information or by family members’ names, or both. I keep my categories to five or less for simplicity — I don’t want the binder to be an overstuffed catch-all for everything.

The Categories (one per binder tab):

  • Contacts
  • Health & Fitness
  • Food
  • House
  • Travel

The Tools:

  • Simple Binder
  • Tabs
  • Plastic Pockets for In Between Tabs

Simple Binder

Select a binder size to match the number of categories and size you think you’ll need. Unless you have many people sharing the binder, a 1 to 1.5-inch binder should do. I use a simple, 1-inch binder with a plastic cover that’s sturdy yet malleable. It’s easy to squeeze it in between cookbooks in a cabinet beneath the kitchen counter.


Use the number of tabs to match your categories. I purchased a package of five by Avery with large, easy-to-read tabs and printer-friendly labels.

Plastic Pockets for In Between Tabs

Some sheets that come into our home will simply be 3-hole punched and placed in the binder, such as a sports schedule. But others, like smaller pieces of paper, can be stored in clear pockets.

Filing Suggestions

Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts here. Phone trees, especially for your child’s classmates, are great since entering everyone into your address book would be unnecessary. Permission slips can go in the front pocket, too.

Food: Insert standard shopping lists and meal planning worksheets in this section.

Health and Fitness: A blank sheet of paper to record prescriptions fits nicely under this tab. Note which prescriptions need to be renewed and when. Jot down free medication sample names so that you know who and what they’re for in case you need a full prescription. Use pockets to insert doctors’ notes. Store exercise programs and fitness class schedules here also.

House: The section pocket is a great place to temporarily store recent house maintenance receipts for things like plumbing bills. That way, you have quick-access to the information in the event of a repeating issue. Also include cleaning checklists in this section.

Travel: If you employ a babysitter, this is a good section to include maps to locations your children may have to travel while you’re not at home. Google maps directions to music lessons and sports practices are appreciated by the people who aren’t a regular part of your routine. If you have frequent house guests, store a city map in this section to easily have on hand.

What systems have you used for your home-central information? Let us know in the comments, we are curious to know what has worked best for you.

Rem Koolhaas Mandarin Oriental Hotel Burns Down


In case you hadn’t heard, one section of the highlights of Beijing’s new skyline, the Mandarin Oriental hotel, was almost completely burnt down late Monday night, leaving simple a smoldering shell of what it once was. Designed by Rem Koolhaas and his team at OMA, the building stood next to the starchitect’s now-famous CCTV building, which was often showcased during the Olympics of last year. The building caught fire during a particularly bombastic fireworks show put together by the CCTV group, which was later found to be completely unauthorized by government safety officials, leading to the death of a firefighter and the absolute gutting of the hotel, which was set to open in May after a cost of nearly three quarters of a billion dollars to build. So far the damage to the CCTV tower hasn’t been reported on in any depth, but these photos, caught by a local Beijing resident, show just how brutal the blaze was to be one of the city’s crowning architectural achievements, which is sure to take its toll on all that surround it.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Call For Entries: Good 50X70

Their story in 59 seconds:

Good 50×70 project summary from Good 50×70 on Vimeo.

“The communications industry is the best in the world at grabbing people’s attention and getting them to act,” they say. “The aim of Good 50×70 is to use these skills to highlight more important things than beer and trainers. It’s a competition to raise awareness amongst the creative community of the power we have to be a force for good.”
-Good 50X70 Founders

This past year, the United States was witness to one of the most influential and inspiring political campaigns in history. The brilliant branding produced by Sender and Co., along with Fairey’s iconic portrait of Obama, served as catalysts to encourage the creative community to become active members in the political process by sharing their views and promoting discussion through visual means.

Given our present social, financial and environmental climate, the 7 endorsed charities for this competition need our help more than ever. As a creative community we can become a key players in fostering positive change. Visual communication is a powerful tool that can make a significant impact on the most pressing issues of our time.

In their words:

When we launched Good 50×70 in 2007 we had no idea how it would be received by the design community, the public, or even the charities we were working for. Two editions, fifteen workshops, twenty exhibitions and over 4,000 posters later, we believe we’re firmly on the way to accomplishing our aims of providing charities with creativity for free and waking the creative community up to the power they have to be a force for good.

Check out the 7 briefs, find one that inspires you, make a poster on that theme, upload it, repeat as necessary…

See GOOD 50X70 on Flickr:
Join GOOD 50X70 on Facebook:


Kartell x .normaluisa: Glue Cinderella Ballet Flat


Kartell, one of the world’s most innovative plastics manufacturers, recently teamed up with Italian fashion brand .normaluisa to create the Glue Cinderella ballerina flat. The design takes advantage of Kartell’s extensive experience in plastics and injection-molding technology, to create a supple form marked by a two-tone color scheme that will be available in opaque/opaque or transparent/
opaque versions. The playful design comes with the added bonus of being waterproof, so there’s little need to worry when the spring showers come raining down.

Glue Cinderella will be available for $135 through Kartell flagship stores beginning 15 March 2009.

Nike Burger

Si…allora…per me un Nike Air Max Burger menu…doppio!

Nike Burger

We put everything on paper

“We put everything on paper”…brillante adv pensata dall’illustratore brasiliano Otavio Rios per l’agenzia Artplan.

We put everything on paper

55DSL’s SS ‘09 Collection: The Fifth Dimension

E’ online la nuova collezione SS ‘09 by 55DSL: The Fifth Dimension.

55DSL's SS '09 Collection: The Fifth Dimension
