Lathe by Sebastian Brajkovic


An exhibition of new work by designer Sebastian Brajkovic opens at the Carpenters Workshop Gallery in London today. (more…)

Interaction Design Pilot Year – gallery of work


The Interaction Design Pilot Year is a collaborative initiative between Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) and The Danish Design School (DKDS), with the aim of bringing together students, faculty and staff in a multi-cultural, multidisciplinary studio environment to co-create a new kind of education that is relevant for academia and industry.

A gallery of student work produced throughout the year has just gone online.

via fabio sergio


Oliso is seeking an Industrial Designer in San Francisco


Industrial Designer

San Francisco, California

You need to have a good understanding of form factors; a very good understanding of color, graphics and brand understanding is a plus. You must be fluent in either Rhino, Alias or Solidworks. You will be creating 3-D surfaces from sketches, foam models and existing CAD…

» view

The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Drawings in steel

Simple line drawings in steel bar to be hung in interiors and exteriors.

She’s a genius

Jessica Hische is so talented! {via DesignWorkLife}

Floral before and afters

These beautiful images are from Rose and Radish’s Before and After Valentines. They have carefully considered the floral container as a lasting gift to be enjoyed long after the foliage has whithered. I admire Rose and Radish’s thematic gallery design, and although I’ve never been to their store in person, they have been an inspiration.

Photoshop Illustrator Magnetic

Dans le même esprit que l’opération Photoshop Adbusting, une idée décoration intéressante par la boutique en ligne Meninos. Une série de magnets reproduisant les palettes graphiques et boutons des logiciels Photoshop et Illustrator. Images à découvrir dans la suite.





Boutique en ligne.

A look at Vestergaard-Frandsen, the company behind the LifeStraw


On one end of the product design spectrum we have idiots making USB-powered sandwich warmers, i.e. useless junk that no one asked for and that hopefully does not turn a profit. On the other end we have Vestergaard-Frandsen.

Chances are you’ve not heard of the company, but you’ve probably heard of the LifeStraw, a plastic cylinder fitted with a filter that those in less developed countries can use to drink water–even from puddles–safely. Vestergaard-Frandsen manufactures the LifeStraw and a host of other products that are both innovative and seek to better the lives of poor people around the world.

The New York Times takes a look at the fascinating story behind the company. It will remind you how much of what we design is frivolous!


IDEO founder David Kelley to receive Edison Achievement Award


Come April, IDEO founder David Kelley will have an Edison Achievement Award pinned on him for his “pioneering contributions to the design of breakthrough products, services, and experiences for consumers, as well as his development of an innovative culture that has broad impact.” Kelley has had a hand in the design of the first computer mouse, the Palm Treo, and Steelcase’s Leap chair, among other things. Fast Company celebrates Kelley’s achievements with a series of articles, linked below:

IDEO’s David Kelley wins Edison Award for Innovation

17 Career Lessons from IDEO’s David Kelley

Ideo’s Newest Design Projects (slideshow)

Why a Bowling Shirt Made Me Love David Kelley

Lastly, there’s a compelling video of Kelley discussing interaction design up at the Designing Interactions site, definitely worth a look.

thanks noah!




University of Wisconsin art student Hongtao Zhou’s “Ice & Snow Furniture Raised From Lake Mendota” is the ultimate in recyclable furniture. “They connect the lake, the land, the air and the people and complete a life cycle with minimum environmental impact,” explains Zhou. And it is, of course, perfectly fine to dump the furniture back into the lake once it starts getting warm out.

Hit the jump for more photos.
