Signal noise


Le scintillanti illustrazioni di James White, in arte Signal Noise, sono già ben note sul web ma meritano di essere pubblicate anche su ELMANCO. Forse si può obiettare che lo stile è un po’ manierista, e sembra nato proprio per raccogliere ampi consensi ma, se così è, bisogna ammettere che ci riesce molto bene.
Non perderti il blog, la gallery e Flickr set di Signal noise.

Salt cubes – because we use too much of it.

Salt is one of the most useful spices for cooking. And for a long time essential for our ability to preserve foods for longer than a few days. Salted herring. Salted salmon. Salted meat. You name it. Without it long sea voyages would hardly have been possible, and the great discoveries possibly not discovered. Way back, salt nodes in rocks or mines were worth their weight in gold and an excellent trading commodity. Now, however, when salt is readily available, we tend to use too much. Hence this idea; the Kakujio. The Kakujio is a 2.5cc salt cube. Enough for cooking. Designed by the De Meyboom Lab in the Netherlands by Yasuhito Hirose and Ryohei Yoshiyuki it was featured in the Muji Awards 02. Also check out the Muji Awards 01, and the call for entries to Muji Awards 03.brbr

USB equipped desk grommet insert.

Nearly all mobile gadgets plug in to the computer using USB. Many, if not all, modern desks have cable grommets to push cables and connectors through. Why not combine the two? Why not, indeed. We just wish we had thought of it first. With the In-Desk USB Hub you can connect a flash drive, a camera, etc and save space around your computer. The Hub is made to fit a 3 inch round grommet hole and connects directly to the computer with the included USB cable. It is USD 30:89 on Amazon.brbr

Simple, ingenious cable holder for any shirt button.

We know next to nothing about this invention, except that it apparently is called Wire Button, and that it was designed to help keep headphone cables and the likes in order. No word on availability or cost, but it does not look like it is going to cost an arm and a leg when (and it must) goes into production.brbr

Occhiali Sugarkane

Possibile che nessuno ci avesse già pensato prima? Sembra di no, eppure l’idea di creare un paio di occhiali asimmetrici è forte, e pronostico un buon successo per Sugar Kane, gli originali occhiali progettati dal designer italiano Leandro Manuel Emede.
Gli occhiali sono realizzati a mano, e disponibili con lenti fotocromatiche (costruirli con lenti da vista mi sembra ancora più difficile). Imperdibili per chi cerca un accessorio fashion dal gusto vagamente anni ’80.
(Via: Wait fashion blog)

Mini travel iron.

This mini travel iron could mean the end of our crumpled travel life. It’s so small it looks like it could be stuffed in a pocket. Providing it has had the time to cool off, of course. It looks like it would fit into most any suitcase or bag waiting quietly to un-crumple any garment and make us more respectable looking in a jiffy. Oh, belay that. The size of the ironing surface may actually make the process of ironing a shirt a rather lengthy one. Wonder if the actual design of a travel iron really has to resemble a conventional iron. Could there be a more efficient form? USD 14:98.brbr

Pet water bottle and watering bowl.

We have previously covered a travel water bottle and bowl for dogs (and cats) on the site, so this one is to offer a competing design that may better suit your circumstances and preferences. Both ideas address the same problem in different ways, and this new addition has a few perks the older one did not have; like a belt clip and a carrying strap. USD 8:99.brbr

Holy hot dog! A hot dog grill grid.

There seems to be a never ending demand for grilling gadgets. Part of the cause for this is of course the fact that we keep buying the stuff, thus encouraging people to keep inventing and manufacturing such gadgets. Never mind. Here’s an idea that we think could easily be adapted to a weekend project of our own. A piece of steel mesh and something rounded and smooth to make the wavy bending with, and we’d be home. The site that sells them says they are made from recyclable aluminum, and that’s okay we suppose, but what’s wrong with stainless steel? USD 2:99 for two.brbr

Depuratore d’acqua solare

Girovagando sullo sterminato Dexigner (quel sito mi fa sempre pensare quanto sia difficile gestire in maniera efficace una tale mole di informazioni), mi sono imbattuto nel progetto vincitore del Metropolis Next Generation Design Prize, indetto dalla rivista americana Metropoli Magazine.
Il progetto in questione, realizzato dall’architetto americano Eric Olsen, può essere di vitale importanza per le aree del terzo mondo, o per i territori che hanno subito una catastrofe naturale: si tratta di una sorta di grande borraccia in grado di trasportare l’acqua, e di depurarla utilizzando i raggi solari.
Non comprendo esattamente la tecnologia ed i materiali utilizzati, ma concettualmente è una bella idea, inoltre il progetto finale ha delle forme piuttosto eleganti. Il flessibile involucro contiene fino a venti litri di acqua, è adatto ad essere trasportato sulle spalle e, una volta disteso al sole, impiega circa 5 ore a purificare l’acqua immagazzinata.

T-shirt mix 9

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