Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

ECAL graduate Kacper Hamilton has created a pocket knife and multi-tool for Swiss ski-makers Zai, based on traditional Japanese knives.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

Called Zai HIGO, the two are inspired by the Higonokami knife that was popular in 19th century Japan.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

They feature a lever so they can be opened, locked and closed with one hand.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

The multi-tool has two different screwdriver heads that are designed for adjusting ski bindings.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

Both items have aluminium cases with a steel blade and tool tips, and the automatic locking mechanism incorporates hidden magnets.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

This is Hamilton’s second project for the brand and follows the carbon-fibre axe that we published last month.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

See his 2008 series of drinking glasses based on the seven deadly sins here.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

Photos are by Michal Florence Schorro & Prune Simon-Vermot unless otherwise stated.

Zai HIGO knife and screwdriver by Kacper Hamilton

Above photo is by ECAL/Nicolas Genta

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by Kacper Hamilton
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