Zaha Hadids Burnham Pavilion Not Ready for Fridays Debut


Speaking of starchitects, one of the members of the unsuccessful anti-Prince Charles cabal, Zaha Hadid, has run into a bit of a snag on a project we’ve been excited about since the start of the year: her pavilion for the 100th anniversary of the Burnham Plan here in Chicago. The pavilion was supposed to open this upcoming Friday, but due to trouble the manufacturer is having building the thing, it looks like we’re still another few weeks out. The other pavilion, made by Ben van Berkel, is all ready to go, but the organizers want to launch the two at the same time, so it sits in wait while Hadid’s chugs along toward the finish line. But we suppose one doesn’t get to be a starchitect by being on time for things. Or maybe it’s all due to the higher gravity here on Earth, as opposed to the spaceship she designs these things in.

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