Yves-Behar-designed $75 One Laptop Per Child tablet: Too good to be true?


Yves Behar/fuseproject’s update to the One Laptop Per Child machine, the stunning XO-3, is a touchscreen tablet device slated for 2012 release with a surprising (and at this point, presumably theoretical) $75 price point. Says fuseproject Program Manager Melissa Guthrie,

While the distribution of OLPC XO continues, today we and OLPC are presenting the XO-3. Our new design features an all plastic tablet screen which is semi-flexible and extremely durable (compared to current glass screens which crack upon impact), and just like the original XO, the display can be optimized in both transmissive and reflective modes for indoor and outdoor lighting conditions.

The XO-3 supports many use scenarios to fulfill kids’ learning needs: from horizontal book mode to portrait reading mode, to multi-touch, so many hands can play and learn together on the same screen, to a full-touch keyboard and a back facing camera.


Hit the jump for more shots.


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