You Got Plans This Weekend? Yes! Wave Sport Kayak Competition!



Make sure to check out Core77’s latest International Design Competition: Wave Sport Kayak Hull Trip-Tych – A Graphics Competition!

Wave Sport has partnered with Core77 to create a new generation of boat graphics for their Fuse 56 river running / freestyle kayak. The Top 5 designs will be displayed at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market Show in Salt Lake City in July 2009. Winners will also receive a kayak with their own design. Here’s the brief:

Design Brief
For this competition, Wave Sport is unleashing its new full-color high-resolution graphics capability, challenging designers around the world to create unique graphics that speak to the theme, “Every Journey Has a Beginning, Middle, and an End.” Designers are invited to create illustrations that span three huge panels–the triptych–across the hull of the Fuse 56. Graphics can take any form, but designers are encouraged to think about graphic treatments that address the energy and spirit of Wave Sport and whitewater paddling in addition to the competition theme. Learn more about Wave Sport here.

The Top 5 designs will be applied to Fuse 56 kayaks and be displayed at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market Show in Salt Lake City in July 2009, along with profiles of the winning designers. The Grand Prize winner will receive a $2500 cash award plus a Fuse 56 kayak produced with their design. The remaining 4 Finalists will receive a Fuse 56 kayak produced with their design, or $1000 cash award (in lieu of boat).

Important Dates
May 25, 12:59pm EST: Entry Deadline
June 2: Finalists and Semi-Finalists notified
June 4-14: Top 5 Finalists and 15 Semi-Finalists showcased in online gallery; Viewer voting on Top 5 begins
June 15: Grand Prize Winner notified
July 21: Winning designs debut at 2009 Outdoor Retailer Summer Market Show

A panel of judges will choose the Top 5 Finalists and 15 Semi-Finalists. Core77 will publish a gallery of the Top 5 Finalists and visitors to the site will have the opportunity to vote for their favorites to determine a Grand Prize winner. 15 Semi-Finalists will also be published in the gallery, and all 20 designs will appear at Entries will be judged on the following criteria: design, originality, theme and execution.



Check out the Fuse in action:


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