Yazbukey Jewelry Autumn/Winter 2010

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Stringing plexiglass faces on shoelaces, Ottoman princesses and designers Yazbukey use lowbrow materials to take on some of pop culture’s most famous silhouettes, forming outrageous statement necklaces and brooches. Having worked with similarly innovative designers including Martin Margiela, Christian Lacroix and Jeremy Scott, the absurdist pair call Paris their home base.

Previously choosing iconic figures such as Billy Idol (above left) and Michael Jackson for their homages, the two sisters continue to express their musical interest with mysterious French singer and “love guru” Sébastien Tellier as their muse for the Autumn/Winter 2010 collection (above right).

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The upshot is a simple look with complex detailing—a playful collection that channels a “Crystal Age” feeling. For those in search of a retro-futurist look, accessories such as a Rosie the Riveter-style turban pinned with a Star Trek-inspired brooch will do the trick.

Pick up the line created by designers as eminent as the characters they showcase (maybe not the Obama necklace) online from
or at the Order & Progress shop in Melbourne starting at about €50.

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