Wrong Shop Editions at twentytwentyone

A series of prints based on sketches by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec and Pierre Charpin will be presented at design store twentytwentyone next week as part of the London Design Festival.

Wrong Shop Editions at twentytwentyone

Top and above prints are by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec

The prints are produced by The Wrong Shop, a platform for limited edition design and manufacture launched by the creative director of Established & Sons, Sebastian Wrong.

Wrong Shop Editions at twentytwentyone

Above print is by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec

“I am interested in producing new works representing the creative expressions by designers who are known for their three-dimensional designs. These prints are strong graphic statements that stand independently on their own merit,” says Sebastian Wrong.

Wrong Shop Editions at twentytwentyone

Above print is by Pierre Charpin

The Bouroullecs’ prints are based on hand-drawn sketches created during the brothers’ design process and the original drawings were included in a recent touring exhibition of their work that visited the Vitra Design Museum and Centre Pompidou Metz.

Wrong Shop Editions at twentytwentyone

Above print is by Pierre Charpin

French artist and designer Pierre Charpin converted felt-tip pen drawings into vector shapes before reproducing the results using screen printing or digital printing.

Wrong Shop Editions at twentytwentyone

Above print is by Pierre Charpin

The prints will be on display at twentytwentyone from 19-23 September as part of the London Design Festival.

Wrong Shop Editions at twentytwentyone

Above print is by Pierre Charpin

See all of our stories about Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec here and more news from the London Design Festival here.

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at twentytwentyone
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