Would you contact an ex to get it back?

Having trouble making a decision about if you should keep or get rid of something? My friend Ann found some good advice for you:

There was a thread on Ravelry about minimizing stuff. One person had a twist on the velvet rope test: If your hated ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, or a friend-turned-enemy had the item, would you be willing to contact them and talk to them to get it back?

I love this evaluation technique, especially for clothes, tools, and knickknacks. If you wouldn’t contact an ex to get it back, then you know you’ll be okay getting rid of it. On the other hand, if you would go through the pain and frustration of talking to an ex to get an item back, it’s definitely something you’ll want to strongly consider keeping. It’s simple and straightforward — a good litmus test!

Do you have similar questions you ask about your things? Share your techniques in the comments.

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