Workspace of the Week: When done well, a small office can be an amazing workspace

This week’s Workspace of the Week is r_maues’ simple and small corporate office:

At my first job in Washington, D.C., I shared an open office with five other people. We referred to it as “the pit,” because it didn’t have any windows and felt like a punishment to work in the highly distracting environment (other employees were constantly walking through it and leaving things they didn’t want in their offices, and earphones were prohibited for us to use). Immediately across from the pit was a tiny office that used to be a storage closet. The resident of that office hated it and constantly talked about how he wished his desk were in the pit, while those of us in the pit wished we had the privacy of his office. Ever since then, I’ve had a deep love for itty bitty offices in closets. They feel cozy to me, not cramped, and I like how efficient they can be (you never have to get out of your chair to reach something).

This week’s selection is a brilliant example of how to manage such a small space. The glass work surface on the angle is an excellent use of space and the glass visually opens up the office. The work shelf on the right looks as if it can fold down flat against the wall when not in use, which is another terrific space-saving feature. Pushing the tower off to the far corner is nice, too, because the employee won’t kick it while working at the computer. I also really like the sticky note task organizing system used in concert with the weekly calendar on the whiteboard. It’s ingenious, and likely meets r_maues’ specific work needs. There are so many things to admire with this small space — thank you, r_maues, for sharing your workspace with us.

Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week? Submit a picture to the Unclutterer flickr pool. Check it out because we have a nice little community brewing there. Also, don’t forget that workspaces aren’t just desks. If you’re a cook, it’s a kitchen; if you’re a carpenter, it’s your workbench.

Need help getting organized? Buy the DRM-free audiobook version of Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week today for only $8.99.

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