Wooden toys for the 21st century

Beloved of middle class parents everywhere – if not their kids – wooden toys have largely looked to the past. With oilrigs, satellites and container ships, Papa Foxtrot is hoping to change all that.

Papa Foxtrot will be a new toy brand from London-based design studio Postlerferguson. As a taste of things to come, the studio has launched its Wooden Giants series, comprising models of the Emma Maersk, Arctic Princess and TI Asia, three of the largest cargo ships in the world.

“We are planning to take today’s most fascinating and amazing technological achievements, like submarines, satellites, windmills, oilrigs amongst others and make them part of a growing collection of wooden toys which we will produce in small batches (for now),” explains Postlerferguson’s Martin Postler. “The idea is to make the ‘normal’ become grand again, to celebrate technology with almost childish optimism.”

The container ship and liquid gas tanker can be dissassembled and their cargo re-arranged.

Postlerferguson are exhibiting the large scale protoypes shown here in the group show Translations at the London Design Festival (details here) – half-size versions at around 40cm long will go on sale for between £40 and £60. They seem a bit too nice for kids though. Details here.

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