With Fujitsu’s new phone, the screen and the keyboard get a divorce


Once upon a time telephones were split into two pieces, one for the ear, one for the mouth. I talk, I listen.

It’s a sign of the times that Fujitsu’s new F-04B cell phone splits into two pieces, one for the fingers and one for the eyes. I type, I watch.


The detachable screen communicates with the keyboard via Bluetooth, and the keyboard side has both a QWERTY and a number pad. Oh yeah, and they threw in a pico projector, too:


First thing I thought when I saw this was, if I had one, I’d surely lose one half and not the other. Luckily the engineers thought of this too: Press a button on one, and the missing unit flashes a light and beeps from its location under the couch cushions or in your kleptomaniac friend’s pockets.

via dvice


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