Who Stole Teddy Roosevelts Walrus Tusk?

jaccuse.jpgTheodore Roosevelt once said that “The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight.” The second requirement? That he not filch walrus tusks. But that’s just what some not-so-good citizen has done! UnBeige has learned that a walrus tusk belonging to the twenty-sixth president was stolen last month from Sagamore Hill, Roosevelt’s historic home in Oyster Bay, New York. The 15-inch-long tusk—one of a pair—was apparently removed from the fireplace mantel in the second-floor guest room of the house sometime between February 9th and February 22nd. The National Park Service (NPS), which manages the national historic site, is working with local authorities to investigate the tusk-snatching and has requested that the tusk be added to the FBI’s national stolen art list.

Meanwhile, you good citizens can pull your weight by keeping an eye out for anyone who speaks softly and carries a big tusk. Teddy’s is 15 inches long with a circumference of 5.5 inches. Look for a rough outer surface that has been polished and a tip that has been carved and sharpened. A reward of $1,000 is being offered to anyone with information leading to the tusk’s return. If you have information on the whereabouts of the tusk, contact NPS special agent Jeffrey Pascale at 215-597-9978.

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