While You Sleep by Oscar Diaz

While You Sleep by Oscar Diaz

Spanish designer Oscar Diaz has proposed a key-cutting concept that allows duplicate keys to be 3D-printed and customised by shape, colour and texture for different locks.

While You Sleep by Oscar Diaz

Diaz imagines that keys could be scanned in public places, such as Post Offices, and the data of the key could be stored in a virtual safety box that could be remotely accessed and a duplicate printed.

While You Sleep by Oscar Diaz

The design allows keys to be clipped together, stored with existing keys on a key ring or attached directly to accessories such as wristbands when performing activities.

While You Sleep by Oscar Diaz

The project is part of the New Simplicity exhibition that asked a selection of designers to explore possible implementations for 3D-printing technologies in the near future.

The exhibition runs until 8 August at 203 Brompton Road, London.

While You Sleep by Oscar Diaz

Here’s more from Diaz:

While u sleep by Oscar Diaz

‘While you sleep’ was commissioned for ‘New simplicity’ and exhibition about simple design curated by design critic Nuno Coelho. Nine designers were asked to investigate the possibilities of using 3D printing technology as a manufacturing tool in the near future.

My proposal question the traditional key cutting service, and propose a product/service scenario where the use of the 3D printing technology will facilitate the copy and storage of keys as data.

Since 3D data can be managed by parametric software and allow easy customization, the type of head can be chosen, and also the texture or color to differentiate the garage key, from the one for the front door house.

Post Office branches could provide the scanning service, and from the data your key would be made easily. You can then send it by e-mail to the key-printing machine, or store it online on a virtual safety box. If you ever lose you key, it will be ready for you to download and print. Making a key could be as easy as using a photo booth or a cash point.

While You Sleep by Oscar Diaz

The keys head shape has been redesigned so they can be clipped together without using a key ring. Accessories include a wristband and a button where is possible to clip one or two keys.

The system is compatible with existing keys so they can be mixed until the key-clip system fully replace the old keys.

A part from the pieces built with 3d printers, a variety of products which value simple solutions over visual complexity are also exhibited.

The exhibition runs from the 24 July to the 8 August 2010 at 203 Brompton Road, London SW3 1LA. The exhibition is part of the Brompton Design District cultural program.

See also:


Glueline by
Oscar Diaz
RGB Vases – P242 by
Oscar Diaz
Ink Calendar by
Oscar Diaz
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